Today’s Scripture: even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:10 ESV (emphasis mine)
Too wonderful; can something be too wonderful? David is expressing amazement in a God that is beyond our comprehension and beyond wonderful to us in Psalm 139.
No matter where we are the LORD is leading us. “EVEN THERE” are powerful words as we question instinctively is He really here in this sickness, this death, this debt, this trouble, this anxiety. YES, even there.
God knows everything about us and everywhere we are. He made us and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. May we be reminded today that He knitted us together in our mother’s womb and knew we would be where we are today.
Too wonderful to understand? May we trust in the LORD and know He is leading us today and He is going before us into battle. We praise You LORD for Your wonder.
Do you trust the LORD is leading you where you are?
Today’s Prayer: Wonderful and Mighty God. I praise Your name. I can not comprehend Your majesty but my soul knows You very well. Thank You for knitting me into Your design and I trust You are leading me and Your hand is holding me even when I can not see in the darkness. You are my light, I trust You are leading me and I praise You. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Good stuff Brother, thanks.
Thank you brother Steve! Blessings as the LORD leads you.
Great reminder, Tom! Thanks. It is especially appropriate this week as I have left my old job but the new one hasn’t begun b/c of a technicality. I just keep trusting that I am right where God wants me to be and has lead me. Have a blessed day.
The LORD loves you Katy and is leading you. In 2 Samuel we are reminded that we are led as in God is going before us to fight battles. The LORD I am sure is in the technicality and is making His way for you clear. I am praying for you now and asking the LORD to lead you where He desires. Blessings as you follow the LORD.
Tom, you did it again–you found a tiny gold nugget in Scripture that makes all the difference. EVEN THERE. Thank you.
Thank you Julie, it is so easy to skim by certain words that mean so much. It is also easy for us think God is not in some places. We can trust He is leading us in every place and every word. Blessings.
Oh this is 5-Star wonderful,Tom–and I do understand “too wonderful”, as I say it every time God’s blessings fall on me too BIG to hardly believe. I LOVE the phrase “even there”–such a comfort for every situation that seems unbearable. I know that I only get through the dark times because HE is “even there”–though I may not feel Him as much as I feel the weight pressing against me, those are the times I tell myself, “don’t go by wobbly feelings of faith, only by Knowledge of His Truth and past experience of HIS Faithfulness”. God bless you BIG today, Brother. xo Caddo
Holy goose bumps Sis. SUCH COMFORT in KNOWING He is even there. Trusting in His faithful leading even in the darkest times brings us into the light of renewal on the other side. May we continue to look for is leading light in the dark. Blessings and following the light.