Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 61:3 NLT: To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. The Spirit of the LORD is upon us right where we are. We have been ... Continue Reading »
I rise up for this day the LORD has given me.
Today’s Scripture: Judges 4:14 Jubilee Bible 2000: Then Deborah said unto Barak, Rise up, for this is the day in which the LORD has delivered Sisera into thy hands. Is not the LORD gone out before thee? So Barak went down from Mount Tabor and ten thousand men after him. Let us rise up for this day the LORD has delivered for us. The LORD has gone ... Continue Reading »
Affirmation of God: My life will speak better than any words.
Today’s Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1 NLT: In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over Do you ever consider what your life is saying? As I encourage others to follow after God’s heart and be who He ... Continue Reading »
Affirmation of God: I live confidently in the hope of God.
Today’s Scripture: Hebrews 11:1 NLT Tyndale: WHAT IS FAITH? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. God gave his approval to people in days of old because of their faith. This Tyndale 1996 NLT translation adds these three words but the question did stop me in my ... Continue Reading »
Affirmation of God: I am searching Christ for all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Him.
Today’s Scripture: Colossians 2:3 GWT: God has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ. On January 9th, 2008, I heard these words: “Tom, every affirmation you will ever need is found in My Word.” I had little way of knowing where the Affirmations of God blog would take me as it began on April 7th, 2010. I did not even ... Continue Reading »
Affirmation of God: I keep on praying.
Today’s Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT Tyndale 1996: Keep on praying. What came first the chicken or the egg? As I read 1 Thessalonians 5:16 this morning “Always be joyful” I initially thought there is the affirmation for the day. “I am always joyful”. Even though I find that to be true I thought there are some that are in a place where they ... Continue Reading »
Affirmation of God: I give the words of encouragement I have.
Today’s Scripture: Acts 13:15 NLT: After the usual readings from the books of Moses and the prophets, those in charge of the service sent them this message: "Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, come and give it." Here in Acts Paul simply read the “usual” readings from scripture and then asked others to bring their ... Continue Reading »
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