Today’s Scripture: “Now since Pharaoh had that dream twice, it means that this event has been scheduled by God, and God will bring it to pass very soon. Genesis 41:32 ISV
Has God given you a dream? We are assured that the dreams God has given us will come to pass. I love how Joseph still speaks to us today here in Genesis 41.
We all have dreams given to us by the Spirit of God. We can rest in the knowledge that God will soon make our dreams come true.
We can trust in God’s perfect schedule. We can do as Joseph and continue to be a servant wherever we are until God is ready. God will bring others to us to bring us out of our own pits.
His Spirit that lives in us will guide us. Who is better than us to bring the dreams He has given us to fulfill them. We will feed others with the dreams He has given us.
Is there anyone else better to live out your dreams than you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for the dreams You have given me. Thank You for confirming and establishing my dreams. Thank You for showing me what You are about to do. I know it is not me but You who will give the answer. Help me to open Your storehouses to others. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
“Who is better than us to bring the dreams He has given us to fulfill them. We will feed others with the dreams He has given us.” This is a neat thought Tom. That God has specifically created us to fulfill the dreams He has given us and that He will use us to feed others with our very own dreams just proves what an amazing God we do serve.
Amen Joseph I am praying we continue to trust God in our dreams and to be bold in what He has commanded each of us to be and do. May we be a blessing by living the dreams God has given each of us. An amazing God indeed! Blessings and dreams.