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Today’s Scripture: As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, Mark 1:2 ESV
Have you ever felt “lucky”? Have you ever had experiences where you had very little to do with the outcome you have just experienced?
There is plenty of evidence that the kingdom and the will of God are here with us right now. Regardless of our best efforts and understandings there is a way divine. This divine way has been prepared for you and me. Will we be thankful and trust in the Way we may not yet know?
Our faith in Him who provided the way of life outweighs our understanding of the way. May we only understand that God designed our way, He provides those who prepare the way for us.
LORD forgive me for when I attempt to make my own way. Thank You making Your way appear in the mundane. Thank you for the immediate actions of Your Spirit.
Are you thankful for the way of the LORD?
Today’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in Heaven thank You for Your way that is here on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank You for those You have sent to prepare Your way and for Your Holy Spirit who reveals it. I confess I too often attempt to make my own way. LORD, I desire and trust in Your way that has already been prepared for me. Help me to move boldly in the knowledge of Your will. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
It feels like most of the outcomes in my life lately have been far beyond my ability. While some of them I worked very hard at in the end I knew my efforts were not enough to produce the results that came. God’s way is far beyond the ability of man to achieve. Our partnership is definitely an uneven one. Even when we give all He has to give more. His way is one of total reliance.
Amen Joseph, we seem to have to exhaust all of our resources before we find God’s way. One thing for sure is that we do find we are yet but jars of clay. We think we know until we don’t. Yet there, beyond our understanding stands the LORD of Lords and the King of Kings calling us upon His way. I am thankful for His way and that He allows us to travel it regardless of our understanding. Blessings and total reliance.
Hi Tom, I was thinking about you yesterday! I am Thankful just to have the gift of Gratitude–thankful, thankful, thankful–as we celebrate the week of Thanksgiving. I hate the days when my spirit is so dark I can’t be grateful–for that is true misery; but God is ever faithful, the Lifter of our heads and hearts. I’m grateful He prepared, and continues to prepare my way daily–that His Presence is so sustaining, is really something to shout Hallelujah about, amen?!! In the past week, my testimony is that I have seen Him acting behind the veil–setting things up, and moving me along into Huge BIG blessings!! I’m here to tell you there is Nothing about us and our lives which He is not ardently interested in, Nothing! He cares about Everything that affects our quality of life on earth–because He came that we should have Life Abundant, not only Life Eternal. I have been frankly stunned that each time (due to finances) I say, “it’s okay, Lord–I don’t have to have ‘such and such'”–when I’m willing to relinquish my wants, either from a genuinely good spirit, or due to depression–God says, “But I want you to have that”. People who preach a poverty doctrine are so misled. The truth I know is that everything began with God giving me a heart of gratitude (2011)–from which comes contentment and the sense that I am truly wealthy; after that, I began to develop the trust that God will ALWAYS supply my needs–and after that, everything else is Gravy. From the outside, I’m sure I look Poor! But inside, I’m rich and SO Thankful–all because God prepared my way for me, Long before I ever knew Him so intimately Today. Sorry to jabber so long–wishing you and your family a much-blessed (BIG) Thanksgiving, brother Tom! love, sis Caddo xxoo
Thank you Sis for sharing. I am thankful you have found the riches of God. True prosperity of the soul. God does want us to know His riches and the riches of man are yet things that rust and fly away. His riches are eternal and yes He ALWAYS supplies what we need. I join you Sis in BIG thanksgivings as I remember to pray for you and your prosperity today. You never have to apologize for jabbering here as your thanksgivings are cherished. BIG blessings and thanksgivings.
Yaaay, thank you!
This post really relates to me with my writing–helps me see how along the way He’s given me signs, encouraging words, and even closed doors ahead of me that weren’t right. Thanks, Tom.
Praise the LORD Julie. Trusting in His way and His preparation offers encouragement and confidence in times of our own frail uncertainties. May we know He has prepared the way and may we take each step He reveals to us and find comfort in times we wait. His doors will be opened to us. I join you in thanksgiving. I am lifting up your writing before our LORD now.
I have a PS to this, Tom–yesterday when I was listening to Joseph Prince’s message, I heard that not only has God prepared our way–He has gone ahead of us, preparing the way with HIS FAVOR. Does that knock your socks off, or what?!! It sure did mine!! That phrase, His Favor, always lights me up–it’s like “holy” magic!! xxoo, Caddo
I totally do believe He does go before us to prepare our way. May we trust in Him and His favor! May we trust in His love and provision for us. Not what this world offers but the favor of our LORD! I am thankful for the favor He has prepared for You and I am praying now you rejoice in the joy of His Favor, NOW.