Today’s Scripture: I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19 NIV
Thank God it is He who changes our hearts and puts a new spirit in us. Have you had good luck in trying to change your own heart? Making changes on your own?
True lasting change in our hearts and spirits comes from the LORD alone. It is the Holy Spirit who moves us and directs us. God knows our every thought and He knows what we are capable of.
Like Ezekiel here in the eleventh chapter I fall down on my face and cry out to the LORD with a loud voice. LORD, I trust You with my heart and my spirit. Please guide me with Your Holy Spirit and remove all things that divide my heart.
Have you noticed how God has changed your heart? God changes us so we will live as His. He also calls us to go and tell everything He has shown us.
What has God shown you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I only fear You. Please give me an undivided heart. I put all of my trust in You to change my heart and to direct my spirit. Your heart and Your Spirit is all I desire. LORD, You know my every thought. I have proven that I need You to change all of me. LORD, I cry out to You now to change me as You will. In Jesus’ name I do pray. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Originally posted 3/7/2012
It can take many years to come to the realization that it is GOD Who changes us and not we ourselves. Then all we have to do is be patient because sometimes it takes years for those changes to take place. Good thing GOD is patient because I am not! 🙂
Amen my brother John! Kicking and screaming to exhaustion we come to know it is God who changes us! We exhaust ourselves and our resources while He patiently waits for us to give all to Him. We are not patient creatures and I join you in thankfulness of God’s patience. Blessings and change.
the word “alone” jumped out at me. True and lasting change comes from the Lord, ALONE. I can’t do it on my own (or I would have b/c I’ve tried!!)
Alone. The Lord Alone.
Love this one!
Thanks Julie, we limit God don’t we? He wants to take us beyond what we have the capability to do or understand. It is there we know, beyond doubt, it must be God. LORD, may we trust Your direction. In You alone do we trust. Blessings and trust.