Today’s Scripture: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. I Chronicles 16:34 NIV
Thanks “GIVING” feels different than being thank “FULL” doesn’t it? Giving our thanks to the LORD shares and gives His love and His deeds to others. 1 Chronicles shares with us what to do.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all his wondrous works! Let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice! We give His joy to others.
When we seek the LORD and his strength and seek his presence continually we can share how His strength has been given to us. May we remember His wondrous works and miracles and share these too!
He is the LORD our God and we sing His praises and give thanks for what He has given us! We declare His glory for great is our LORD. We find our strength and our joy in the LORD who made the heavens.
When we “give” glory to His name we are “giving” Him to others.
Will you give away your thanks today?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I give You my thanks and sing Your praises. I come before You with this offering of praise. I give You my thanks for Your strength and Your love. I give You all glory. LORD You reign for all and help me give Your thanksgivings to all. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I have much to be thankful for Tom. Just had knee surgery Tuesday and all things seem to be coming along fine. First therapy today. But above and beyond that there is no way to say thanks enough. Hope you are doing well.
Wow, Bill I am praying for a full and speedy recovery! I am so sorry I haven’t been over lately. It is all I can do to remain faithful to this call and hit my wordpress reader briefly. I need to come over and catch up with you as you have helped show me the way in this blog world and have been so faithful to encourage. Blessings and healings!!
God is good! His mercy has sustained me through my darkest hours. I have come to know Him as my shield and buckler as well as the glory and the lifter of my head.
Amen Joseph and this is the good news we have to share. We overflow with thanksgiving!!