Today’s Scripture: And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19 ESV
What has Jesus done for you? How has He shown you mercy? That is all Jesus instructed Legion to do.
I can not tell you how to lead your life; I can only tell you what Jesus has done for me. How He has had great mercy on me. Jesus teaches us. Each of us have had a different path yet along those paths we have experienced Jesus if we have run to Him as Legion did.
Our stories spread the seeds of the Kingdom of God. Some seeds are immediately taken away; some do take root for the right time for His harvest. We learn from what Jesus has taught others. However we can not live the stories of others we must live our path and tell our story.
Your friends and family need to hear what Jesus has done for you and how he as had mercy on you. Are you telling?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and Your Word. Thank You for the teachings of Jesus. Thank You for what You have done for me and the great mercy You have given me. I pray my story plants seeds of Your Kingdom. I cast them upon the ground and trust You and the ground to produce what You will. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
debbestillandlisten says
Jesus has done so much for me and my family. I also pray that my
debbestillandlisten says
I hit the enter button by accident! So here is the rest of what I was going to say. I also pray that many seeds have been planted because of my story of being healed from a peanut allergy. God is so good and I love to tell people of the many things He has done for me and my family! What a Great God we serve, amen!
Tom Raines says
Awesome Debby, we are called to bring this message to all peoples. We are not designed to convince only to share the glory and love of what He has done for us. I am sure many seeds have been planted by your testimony in your victories and your trials. God is Great! Blessings and sowing!
Mirada says
Another wonderful post, Tom. I’m so grateful for the mercy He has shown me, and continues to show me daily. We who have been forgiven, and loved, much–never run out of words, seeds to plant. God bless you today, and show His abundant favor on your week.
Tom Raines says
How wonderful sis that you know His love and His mercy! Spread your seeds my sister. God bless you today too! I have been praying for you and what Jesus has done and is doing will be a much needed seed in the land of others. Blessings and mercy!
Julie Garmon says
Oh, He’s done so very much for me and my family. His mercies are new every morning, aren’t they! Thank you, Tom. He’s brought us out of the pit–restored us, redeemed us, called us His very own.
Tom Raines says
Amen Julie!!! Your words make my heart sing of His mercies new every morning! Joy comes in the morning (especially when you have a porch party with Him:). Blessings and mercy!