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Today’s Scripture: You are loving and kind to thousands, though children suffer for their parent’s sins. You are the great and powerful God, the LORD Almighty. Jeremiah 32:18 NLT Tyndale
Do I grasp that I am praying to the great and powerful God, the LORD Almighty? Do I grasp He is telling me what to do? How do we know this is of God?
Jeremiah said the word of God came to him and when his cousin came to him he stated, “Then I knew for sure this message I had heard was from the LORD.” Has He removed all of your doubt too? Has someone or something confirmed the word you received from God?
May we pray as Jeremiah in 32:17 “Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.
We can know for sure and we can place our trust in the Almighty and do what He has spoken and confirmed into us.
What is God speaking and confirming in you?
Today’s Prayer: LORD Almighty, You are the great and powerful God who made all the heavens and the earth. I praise Your name and affirm that nothing is too hard for you. Thank You for speaking to me through Your Word, Your Spirit and Your messengers. You have removed all doubt from me. Now Lord I need You to help me do what You have called me to do. I praise You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
AMEN! And AMEN again! Awesome affirmation and great prayer to go with it! Thanks Tom…God bless you, yours, and all the readers of these affirmations taken from God’s Word. May we trust and believe the promises from our great and powerful God!!! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thanks Cindy, may we accept His Word as our Word and Him as our powerful LORD Almighty. His promises to us and our communing to our great and powerful God!
patsy costner says
Tom, I have found there are few things that fan the flame of fire within me than when God affirms his hand and calling placed on my life. It is true that if we choose to follow God he will direct our steps whether by His Word, Spirit, or a messenger, Proverbs 16:9.
As we seek the Lord’s will and pray, even seeking Godly people, to pray for us and with us concerning wisdom and discernment in all areas of our life, we will receive answers. Through out the Bible are examples of how God affirms his children and shows them the way if their eyes and heart is focused on him. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says “If my people… shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” He not only heals our land but he calls us to join him in his work.
I am learning to listen and wait on God to affirm his call in my life concerning some areas of ministry. Too often we, (I) rush ahead, or frantically run around trying to do things for God that are good in themselves but are not directions from God, and without confirmation. But probably as often as not we (I) know what God wants me/us to do we just do not trust his ability to do it in and through us.
God does not point us in a direction and then leave us to flounder around trying to find our way in the dark. God did every thing he could do to direct the Israelites to the Promised Land but they refused to do it. They wanted another sign(s) so they messed around and as a result missed the Promised Land.
Go for it Tom. Get out of the boat. Do not wait on strength, or your perception of what you are able to do. Peter’s ability to walk on water was not his own but God’s. Peter saw Jesus, and heard his call. Peter was afraid, but once he stepped out, even though he looked down, when he kept his eyes focused on Jesus, Jesus gave him strength to walk.
Satan will lie to you, telling you you are not ready, the time is not right, or that it cannot be done. Start walking in obedience, and God will direct your steps, giving you all you need to accomplish his work.
I cannot wait to hear what God is accomplishing in your life and others as you continue to listen and follow Him. God bless you and thank you for reminding me of these truths.
Cindy says
“Go for it Tom. Get out of the boat. Do not wait on strength, or your perception of what you are able to do. Peter’s ability to walk on water was not his own but God’s. Peter saw Jesus, and heard his call. Peter was afraid, but once he stepped out, even though he looked down, when he kept his eyes focused on Jesus, Jesus gave him strength to walk. Satan will lie to you, telling you you are not ready, the time is not right, or that it cannot be done. Start walking in obedience, and God will direct your steps, giving you all you need to accomplish his work.
I cannot wait to hear what God is accomplishing in your life and others as you continue to listen and follow Him. God bless you and thank you for reminding me of these truths.” WOW Patsy, THAT was worth repeating so there will be NO doubt as to the confirmation!!!! Amen! God has called you Tom! Walk by faith brother and watch what this great and powerful LORD Almighty will do through you! I also can’t wait to hear about the new thing He is doing with and through you! Cindy
Tom Raines says
WOW, is right Cindy. I am overwhelmed this evening. What a righteous day where powerful ladies of God filled by the great and powerful Spirit of God pushed me out of the boat, ha! Seriously, I too cannot wait to live a life with eyes firmly on Jesus walking faithfully towards Him that has been confirmed by the hearts of women of God who truly seek to do as God desires. Since I can yet to see the destination I can pray to God, the LORD Almighty to help me go boldly in the confidence and encouragement He has given to me by His messengers. No words can suffice to express this call to action and the power in confirmation and faith. Blessings to you Cindy as I also expect to witness the kingdom of God in the seeds He has given you! Blessings and fulfillment!
Tom Raines says
Patsy, I am humbled by your wisdom and care for me. We have been called by His name, His great and powerful name. How wonderful is it that we can meet here to spur each other on to all kinds of great and mighty works in Him. Your words are so powerful that they can only be from the Counselor He has given us. “Get out of the boat” is such an inspiring encouragement to trust in God and to keep our eyes only on Him. To trust that we can walk the path He intends. I am overwhelmed by your caring enough to push me out to follow after Jesus. I hear your words echoing in my ears…when he kept his eyes focused on Jesus, Jesus gave him strength to walk. I know I will read and reread your encouragement and reminders here but when I can not look away from Jesus I will hear your encouragement blowing in the winds of the Holy Spirit and know this is God’s calling for me. Get out and go. I so pray this now for all of us that we take possession of the land He has promised us. Let us go. Blessings as You follow Jesus!
patsy costner says
Tom, I have been retired for eight years now. This past eight years has been my spiritual training ground. I search and research the scriptures. I am learning to hear God. I pray for wisdom and discernment not only in my life but as God opens doors for me to speak his truth to others. There is one sure way that has worked 100% of the time for me. As I have walked, even when I do not know how things will look, I pray for God’s perfect will, and that in him providential, miraculous way, would either swing the door wide open for me to walk through or to bolt is shut so there is no danger of me working from my own desires or someone else desires for me. Each time I listen but as he affirms me, (open door) then I proceed to walk. God began to work in my life this past February when I felt God calling me to minister to some individuals in which I felt very unprepared to deal with. I began taking classes. Interestingly, enough I realized in the process that I myself had some issues. This September I began taking classes to prepare me to begin a Community Freedom Ministry based on James 4:7 “Submit to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” and 2 Corinthians 10:5 “Take every thought captive and in obedience to Christ.” I can say today that I do not know how and when God will open the door for this ministry to begin, but I do know that if he leads us to prepare, he will open the door for us to use what we have learned. I told my mentor, “I feel like I am walking in the dark.” He said, “God will never lead us into darkness, or fear, but he will call us to walk in faith.” I know somewhat your road you have traveled to bring you this far. God did not take Paul down the Damascus road for nothing, it gave him an opportunity to share the gospel. We have our walk/story/experiences because through them the Holy Spirit led us to God, and now we are given the opportunity to share the gospel. Tom I do not always respond. But you are my spiritual brother. You know more about me through my writing than my physical brother. We will be united someday and can sit and reminisce at Jesus feet. I do thank God for you and your ministry through your writings. May God continue to affirm you.
Tom Raines says
Oh sister Patsy, You bless me and I have spiritual tingles all over. Sorry for the delayed response as we were out of town visiting my father-in-law (who had a stroke back in June) at the end of last week and during the weekend. We stayed very busy and have very limited internet access there. I am blesses by your wisdom and maturity. I, like you, seek to know God’s will and seek confirmation and His Spirit’s guiding for my “ministry”. I will probably never be able to retire from work but would love to see if I could marry my need to provide for my family and make working for the LORD not only my passion but be my vocation. I appreciate what you have shared here to help me pray for the opening and closing of the doors He wants me to walk through. These affirmations are my walk of faith. I continue to say I don’t know what to do with them so I just keep writing and publishing in faith. You have blessed me by your presence over these past four years as you were one of my very first subscribers that God used as a messenger to encourage me to continue. As I put my toe in the water to see if what God Himself had spoken into me I was unsure of what He desired.
Thank you for spurring me on to get out of the boat and to go boldly through the doors He opens. I am praying for you and me now. LORD God, I lift my sister Patsy up to you now. LORD You created Her heart and have filled it with a passion to serve You and Your people. I ask for Your abundant blessings upon Patsy and the people You have entrusted to her. Continue to draw her to You and fill her with Your Holy Spirit. LORD, we join together in faith, trust and belief in You. Guide our steps LORD, use us for Your glory and help us to meet the needs of your children and trusting in Your promises to meet our needs. We believe in the risen Christ who showed us the way to live in union with You. Make Your words our words dear LORD. Amen
Caddo says
Another wonderful word to us, brother Tom. I am so grateful for your presence here–I appreciate God’s affirmations, and the real sense that we are sitting around a table together, sharing what each has received from His Great and Bountiful Hand. His love and grace refresh and restore us, causing our minds and hearts to open wider, eager for more truth and knowledge of Him. God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo
Tom Raines says
Sis, I am so grateful for your presence here. I appreciate you and sharing the communion and the teaching the Spirit is giving us. LORD please continue to guide and direct us for more truth and knowledge of You. We gather here together to pray and live in Your might and Your love….BIG love to you Sis. How can we doubt our great and powerful God knowing and living in the love He has shown to us. The power of His hope and His love will be revealed in our time with Him!
Caddo says
Amen, Amen–Hallelujah, He is Risen even today!!