Today’s Scripture: And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly loved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for now I have been sent to you.” And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling. Daniel 10:11 ESV
God’s book of truth strengthens us and reminds us of the great love He has for us. Our experience can be much like Daniel’s here in Daniel chapter 10. Read this chapter and be Daniel and be fearfully changed.
We can fall on our face and become silent. Having no strength and no breath of our own; let the message of God strengthen us. Yet trembling we can make our way to our feet to live in the power and strength of God’s love. We must lay all of our strength before God. Sometimes with words and sometimes in silence God hears us.
God will respond when we give up all of our strength. His response can be in sending us an angel; His response will be to strengthen us. Give up your strength and know you are greatly loved.
Will you fall before God with no strength of your own to know His love and strength?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty Father, thank You for Your love and Your message and messengers. I fall on my face before You. I have no strength and no breath left in me. I trust in Your love and Your strength Father. Trembling I go and do so knowing full well that Your strength is all that I need. Thank You for hearing my words and my silence. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
This is a powerful picture of the humility which brings answered prayer!
Thanks Joseph! Prayers to you for answered prayers. He has heard your words and those of the Spirit!
Powerful and awe-inspiring, Tom. That we are “greatly loved” by God, not just loved a little–always washes over me with healing, and with each healing I am made stronger In Him, His Strength. God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo
Thanks Sis GREATLY loved! Now that is BIG love! Blessings and love,