Today’s Scripture: Do not lag in zeal, be enthusiastic in spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12:11 NET Bible
I do pray to be enthusiastic in spirit. Fervent in spirit is used in most translations of Romans 12:11. Fervent is to be full of zeal having a burning spirit. Are you on fire to serve the Lord?
Solemnly approaching the throne of God this morning I sensed the need for enthusiasm. Not only a waiting on the Lord but I sensed a fervor to be excited and enthusiastic before Him.
Romans 12:6 reminds us that we all have different gifts but “LET US USE THEM”. Let us enthusiastically use the gifts we have. Your gifts are different than anyone else’s. The world needs what God has given you. Do not try to be someone else.
You are enough. Be genuine in love and comfortable with who you are. Be enthusiastic and serve the Lord by being you.
Is your spirit enthusiastic?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, thank You for the gifts You have given me. Welcome my enthusiasm LORD and fill me with Your love and desires. I want to live in Your Spirit and serve You and others with enthusiasm and genuine love. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julie Garmon says
So close to what I read this morning. “Do not try to be someone else.” And I actually wrote in my prayer journal, thanking Him for enthusiasm for this new writing project I’m starting. I’m cleaning off my whiteboard in my office today! A new beginning…. 🙂
Tom Raines says
Thanks Julie, the enthusiasm of the spirit is certainly a reason to celebrate and thank Him! Praying now for your new project and that He fills your whiteboard with fervor and direction that can only come from Him! He assures your success in enthusiastically using the gifts He has given you. You alone. Blessings and enthusiasm!
Debbie says
Tom, this sure blessed me. I am most filled with joy when I am enthusiastic about doing the things He gives me to do. Thank you and God bless!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! God’s provision and blessings continue to build our trust and our enthusiasm! Blessings and enthusiasm!