Today’s Scripture: but God raised him on the third day and made him to appear, Acts 10:40 ESV
God “made Jesus appear” after raising Him from the dead before those He had chosen to be witnesses. Why has God made us appear where we are? What have we witnessed? God has placed us right where we are. What are we to do?
Those witnesses in Caesarea had been chosen by God and were commanded to preach and testify that Jesus was placed here by God to be the judge of the living and the dead. Why has God chosen us to witness what we have witnessed? Can we also preach and testify the Jesus who has been made to appear to us?
The Holy Spirit was poured out upon those witnesses and has also been poured out on us. They spoke in tongues and praised God. Can we not trust that those we testify to will understand our tongue and can we not praise God highly right here were we are?
Where He as placed us we can praise Him! Where has God placed you?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for what You have allowed me to witness in Your Son Jesus and in Your Holy Spirit. I have witnessed Your majesty, Your love and Your grace. Lord use me as Your witness where I am today. Help me to testify of who You are. Thank You for placing me here. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Definitely praising Him and thanking Him here and now. God bless you.
I am thankful for your praise of Him Sis and also thankful you have been placed in my life! Blessings with God where you are!