Today’s Affirmation: Here I am Lord! Send me.
The words from Isaiah 6:8 roll off the lips easily but battle in our head. Where will you send me? Can I do it? I think I am willing. What if it is New Guinea?
Isaiah was seeing a grand vision of the Lord, high and lifted up in 6:1 the train of His robe filled the whole temple. That’s big and majestic. There were angels flying around with six wings! The angels were singing “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory.”
In 6:8 where this daily affirmation comes from in full states: Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
I think it would be easy to get caught up in that moment and say yes, I will do it. The Lord, angels flying around and talking to me?
Ok, Isaiah says he is willing and God tells him in 6:9 to go and tell the people: ‘No matter how closely you listen, you’ll never understand.
No matter how closely you look, you’ll never see.’ (GOD’S WORD Translation)
Huh?! That should go over well. But I think I could tell that story. I do not understand Lord, I can not see. But I am willing. I don’t even understand the remainder of Isaiah 6; does that matter? Do I have to understand to be willing to go?
Maybe the one going, Isaiah, you, me, whoever does not have to understand. Just be willing to go today. Willing to speak to those God put’s in our paths or our minds. Just be willing to go and do what God instructs us to do.
- Are you willing to go?
- What are some of those limiting thoughts that pop in your mind after stating the words?
- Do we have to understand fully where we will go?
- Will God reveal the message we are to deliver to accomplish His will?
I do not understand God but here I am, send me.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
I seem to say those words a lot tom: “I don’t understand God but here I am. I’m going to have to trust You.” Good word today.
Thanks Bill. It seems if I wait until I understand, it will never happen!
I think you are right Tom, we just need to be willing to GO and as we go he will show us the way. We would probably be too overwhelmed if we could see the full picture. One step at a time.
Amen, too overwhelmed for sure!!! Lord shine your light on that next step!