Today’s Scripture: Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die. Ezekiel 18:4 ESV
This is a personal thing between each of us and God. Ezekiel 18 makes this clear that ALL souls belong to God. We can choose whether to turn to Him or away. We are promised that if we turn to God we will live.
Is your soul alive? Do you do what is just and right? The flesh and ways of this world can suck the life out of our souls if we seek life there. If our souls are turned to God and away from this sinful world we find the life of God.
The LORD desires we all turn to Him and do as He commands. I am thankful He does not remember our transgressions. When turned to Him we go from merely existing to being fully alive. A soul living with God is truly alive.
Where does your soul seek life?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, my soul is Yours. In You I find life. Thank You for loving me and desiring my soul. Thank You for the life You bring to me and for Your Spirit that springs forth. Thank you for forgetting my sins and for drawing me to do what is right. In You I find life and righteousness. I pray all others come to know the life you give. Please help turn my soul from sin. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julie Garmon says
I’d never noticed this Scripture, Tom. I always learn something from your posts! Thank you.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Julie! Our God’s Word is an endless fountain of treasures to be discovered! Thank you for your encouragement! Blessings and life!
Cindy says
Hey Tom–It is a personal thing between God and us…and I rise and spend this day, thanking Him and praising Him for His design!! I have been contemplating the words of Augustine of Hippo this past week…who said, “Our heart is restless until it rests in you.” This post from you resonated. And yesterday’s post on our church’s blog, the lead pastor quoted this from Ecclesiastes 3:10, “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Then he went on to say, “This means that we can never be completely satisfied with earth and all its pleasures and pursuits because God wired us for eternity. This earth is not our permanent home! We were created in God’s image and because of that (1) we have a spiritual thirst and appetite inside of us (2) we have significant eternal value that far exceeds our understanding and (3) nothing but God can truly satisfy us in this life. God intentionally placed a restlessness and pursuit in us that can only be fulfilled in Him.”
God bless you and yours.
P.S. My current number one song on my iphone…
Tom Raines says
Thank you Cindy, great to hear from you. I often think and pray for you and your family. I love when we listen with our soul as your song suggests and yes in Him we find rest. Only in the eternal soul that He has placed in us do we find life and rest. Thank you for sharing your studies and your songs with us here. Blessings and rest!
Fig Tree Chance says
Who wouldn’t want to have a life that’s truly and fully ALIVE??!! Personally, I know too well what living as though dead is like–No Way would I return to that, nor wish it on anyone. Give me MORE of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God the Most Loving Almighty Father–I’ll take nothing less! God bless you BIG, Tom–love from your sis, an admitted spiritual glutton
Tom Raines says
Amen Sis, we would never choose any other. May we know the soul of God within us. May we recognize His voice and dwell with Him always so we truly LIVE! Blessings and gluttony of the Holy Spirit!
Debbie says
I loved how you said that turned to Him, we go from merely existing to being fully alive. That is a most wonderful thing! Thanks Tom and God bless!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! The fullness of God gives us the fullness of life. Why o why do we turn away…I don’t know but we do…So thankful He keeps NO record of our transgressions and our turnings but expands and enriches our souls on every reunion. Blessings my sister as you live, fully with Him!