Today’s Scripture: I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; Psalm 130:5 ESV
My soul waits on the LORD and in His Word I hope. From the depths of my soul I cry out and wait. As I stop my mind from racing away I still my soul to wait for the LORD.
My soul is on high alert like the watchmen David references in verse six; my soul is waiting and looking for the LORD. Keeping watch to the point of exhaustion, I wait, look and listen for the LORD.
I do find hope and energy in the Word of God as I wait. My soul praises God for His steadfast love, redemption and mercy as I wait and search His Word. I rely on Jesus’ perfect patience as I wait and hope; He is my praise and my hope.
I call on the name of the LORD from the depths and have hope that He hears me. Where does your hope lie?
Today’s prayer: LORD of Heaven I wait for You. I do find hope in Your Word. In Your Word I know You hear me and I hear You. LORD I am waiting expectantly for Your light and for Your direction. Filled with the hope I find in Your Word I know You will answer my cries. I cry out to know and do Your will. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
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