Today’s Scripture: You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34 ESV
Once again an odd verse for us to affirm what we desire. We are told in this twelfth chapter of Matthew that what is abundant in our heart is what we will speak. Don’t you want your heart to be filled with God? I pray God fills my heart.
The very next verse says that a good person brings forth good out of his treasure. Keeping the treasures of God in our heart not only fills us with abundance but allows us to overflow. Can we treasure enough of God so that it will spill over and bring forth good?
Yes, my heart is full with God. When He fills my heart I know abundance; abundance of joy, peace, love, grace and so much more. True treasures that I possess in my heart that I know will overflow.
What are you treasuring in your heart?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for promising to fill my heart. I confess that I have had a divided heart and pray now that You fill all of my heart. Fill me LORD so that I may bring forth good and speak of Your treasures. You are an abundant God and I pray You work abundantly through me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Originally published 9/14/2012 says
hey, tom how do you try to help those friends you know . do not believe that you should go to church to follow GODS will ? or like on the list of your priorites . you have to list 7 things that is most important to you . i listed 1 being church , 2 Jesus Christ and God . then my family, my friends, my career then money , then made ministry last . i have been teaching Sunday school for over 18 years now . so maybe that should have gone 3rd ? but i believe that being a christain is away of life . we are suppose to live like Jesus and treat others as Jesus did . i believe that the church is the Christ . i mean Jesus was a Jew after all . he was in a religion . he started a religon the Christian religion from his apostles . form there it just grew to the way it is today . what do you feel ? donna
Tom Raines says
Thanks Donna, my experience is that if I keep my list short: to give my all to love God with all of my heart, mind and soul and to love others as myself I trust God will give others what they need through me. If I love others wherever they are and share how God has blessed me through His body, they too will be drawn into bringing their part to bless others. Jesus taught us to be one with God. God in us and us in Him. I believe God wanted us and not religion or church… I hope that makes sense. I am not compelled to convince but to live in Him and trust Him to move hearts to where He desires them. Blessings in Him.
Debbie says
You found us a beautiful affirmation in this verse, Tom! I am saying YES to being filled up with Him too, so that He is what spills over and out of me. God bless you and yours!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! God’s Word is beautiful isn’t it? I join you in YES and pray He overflows out of our hearts. Blessings and fullness!
Julie Garmon says
And to keep my heart full to the brim with the abundance of HIM! Thank you, Tom. Your writing is clear, concise, and always full of His power!
Tom Raines says
Wow, thank you teacher:) Coming from your gifts I find this so encouraging. I also welcome your suggestions and critiques my friend. As the only professional writer I know, I cherish your support, encouragement and correction of this work God has given me. My heart is full of gratitude to Him that He brings all of you wonderful folks into this journey. He uses us all to spur each other on to live from the fullness of our hearts. Blessings and abundance.