Today’s Scripture: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 ESV
Have you asked the kingdom of God to come into your life today? Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come” drew me in this morning. Exploring its full meaning will take more study; however experiencing His coming has already happened.
Have you experienced the rewards of our Heavenly Father? Although I have not even scratched the surface the rewards I have received have filled my soul with heavenly rewards.
God’s Word is true, His promises are true. Jesus knew and we can know. If we will only seek God first we will find His treasures. My Father does reward me. The time I spend with Him in secret always feeds me with what He knows I need.
I find true treasures when I look to God; treasures that last forever and give life meaning today.
God is my daily bread and when I seek Him first I am filled.
What will you seek first and foremost today?
Today’s Prayer: Our Father who art in Heaven, I know You have come. Thank You for sending Jesus to us to teach us to pray. Thank You Jesus for showing us The Way. Thank You LORD for drawing me near and for rewarding me with Your treasures. Thank You LORD for drawing the eyes of my heart to You. Help me to always seek You first. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
“God is my daily bread and when I seek Him first, I am filled.” That really hit me Tom. Thank you! So simple, really, isn’t it? Just go to Him. God bless you and fill you each day!
Thank you Deb! Simple yet not always easy in the flesh. When we sacrifice our flesh we receive such filling bread. May we turn and praise Him today for the bread He gives! Blessings as you are filled!
So often it is not the Kingdom of God I want to seek first. I want the daily bread and I try to bargain with God. Give me my daily bread and then I will seek your kingdom desires for me. But it never works that way. Only when I put the kingdom in its proper position can I receive the blessings of the daily bread He so longs to give me!
Amen Joseph, when we seek bread we can miss Him can’t we? Yet, when we seek Him we have His abundance of bread and guidance. Blessings as you seek His kingdom first.
Absolutely true! I have missed Him many times in my seeking for the comforts of the world.