Being humble in part is realizing we are unworthy and bringing ourselves low before the Lord in our proper position. When we are at a place when we realize we just can’t control the situation any longer and God is the way is where we see Him.
In the 12-Step recovery programs it has always seemed odd to me that it is Step 7 before we are instructed to humbly ask God to remove all our shortcomings. Every time I read this I think this sure sounds like this should come up before step 7! Shouldn’t we get to humbling ourselves before God and asking for His help with our addictions before now?
Today’s affirmation was taken from James 4:10: Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. (NIV)
So how do we humble ourselves? I love James 4:10 which says: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (NKJ)
We have discussed this verse before but I love the assurance in this statement that if I will come near to God He will come near to me. In reviewing the 12 Steps you can see that these steps I believe ordained by God are just getting us to a place of humbleness.
In Step 1 we have to admit we are powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors and our lives have become unmanageable. Step 2 is that we come to believe there is a power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity. Step 3 is that we made the decision to turn our wills and our lives over to the care of God. Step 4 is that we did a fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves. In most of our stories this is enough to humble us and show our sins and double minded ways referred to in James 4:10. Step 5 we admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs…OK; now I am feeling humble. I had to admit that?? Step 6: We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. ENTIRELY READY..Which brings us to Step 7: We humbly asked God to remove all our shortcomings.
God does show us through these steps that we must get to a place of humbleness. Why Lord does it take me six steps before I can get humble enough to ask you? God forgive my double minded ways. Where I confess my humbleness with my mouth but still have the mind to think I can manage and lift myself up or remove my own defects.
Thank you for Your promises Father God. To draw near when I draw near to you and to lift me up when I humbly ask. Thank You for Your faithfulness and grace in welcoming me back when I lose my humility and seek my own ways. I am not worthy Father and Your grace and power overwhelm me. Thank You for lifting us up.
Is God saying something else to you through these verses in James 4? Do you have a testimony relating to being humble and experiencing this lifting by God?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
As usual…I love this. Just reading steps 1-6 I felt my heart’s focus shifting…truly, it’s only by God’s grace….great thoughts.
tomraines says
Thanks Robin…hey I like your little sweater thingy on your site today but toooo macho to say it there! HAHA Thanks for dropping by as I sooo appreciate your input!
john redmond says
amen loved it ! 3 things we need before god………..humility, humility, humility.
john from liverpool england.
keep on enjoying him ! christ is our supply and our satisfaction.
tomraines says
Absolutely John! Thank you for dropping by and speaking up! I believe you are my first visitor from Liverpool. I pray you have a humble day!! Please come back to visit again!
john redmond says
thanks tom so encouraging to hear from you ! anytime u visit liverpool england you and your family are welcome to stay with me.
may gods grace be with your spirit
john from liverpool !
tomraines says
Thank you John!
Debi says
I have faults I’m not entirely ready to get rid of. I dont like that, but it’s true. Sigh. Still in denial about them being a problem – if it was someone else I’d see it – but it’s not. It’s me. Does not being in denial about being in denial count? Obviously I am deluded into thinking it is still working for me. How many tributaries does the Nile have?
Tom Raines says
Thanks Debi! We are certainly complicated beings aren’t we? I can certainly understand about being in denial of being in denial. We turn a blind eye to some things we know aren’t healthy yet are great at justifying things! I think some of these tributaries eventually reach a dead end or cross road where some of our choices are removed from us and I trust God will shine His light and make our new way abundantly clear. Great to hear from you. Praying for you now as you wrestle:)
Sam says
Thanks for the word which has opened our spiritual eyes.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Sam and welcome to this place. Blessings.
ray garwood says
How r things? Can u explain exactly what it means to be humble,,is it basicly saying that we are no better than anybody else?ray”’canada
Tom Raines says
Hello Ray, thank you for commenting and causing me/us to meditate on a meaning. I believe now that humbleness is a spiritual position. In the spirit of placing the will, needs and desires of others before our very own. God’s will or others will to come before our own. Our willingness to serve and care for the needs of others before our very own. Awareness that God and Hes Spirit’s ways are desired over my limited ways. Blessings Ray, you are welcome here anytime and I am thankful you found a five year old blog to bring you here. God is so good and humbling ourselves before Him is amazing and can bring people into our lives when we least expect it….Blessings and humbleness…