Today’s Scripture: that I may enjoy the prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may share in the joy of your nation and join your inheritance in giving praise. Psalm 106:5
I do enjoy the prosperity of God. God is good; He loves me and has promised to care for me. That is prosperity to me.
As I kneel before Him I am filled with joy to know the Creator, the One who loves me, allows me to come to Him in praise. The wealth of knowing I can cry out to God knowing that He hears me fills me with a prosperous joy.
The Word of God is a treasure of promise. When we are faithful to go to Him and His word we come to know and believe. Just as the Israelites here in Psalm 106:12 experienced after God parted the sea for them. “Then they believed”
Now I believe. I pray to continue to trust His promise and His care. In trusting Him I experience true prosperity.
Do you enjoy the prosperity of God?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I praise You. Thank You for welcoming my prayers. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that rejoices in my soul. LORD I believe You and Your words. I trust in Your care for us. LORD please help us to trust in Your promise over the promise and prosperity of man. Save us O LORD, our God. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
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