Today’s Scripture: What are you doing, my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows? Proverbs 31:2 ESV
What are you doing? What are you doing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Three times this is asked in this second verse of Proverbs 31. Do you know the answer?
In our quiet times with God are we asking and listening with our innermost being for the Spirit of God to guide us? What are we doing with what we “hear”?
Who or what is leading you? Proverbs 23:19 advises us to direct our hearts in the way. In John 14:6 Jesus tells us He is the way, the truth and the life. In John 14:26 we are promised that the Holy Spirit will help remind us of everything Jesus told us.
I pray you and I learn to direct our hearts in the way so the way is made clear by the Spirit. Where is your innermost being directed?
Are you doing as the Spirit is leading you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Spirit. Teach me to listen LORD and hear You clearly and do what You desire. Holy Spirit please guide me, lead me and strengthen me to go and do. I trust in Your strength and Your power. Urge me to show up where You want me and to do what You will have me do today. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Oh Tom this was my prayer this morning. As I looked at my week and my day I had some significant misgivings about the way I had planned it all. I felt there were too many things I could not see; But God I know sees them. So I brought those things to Him and asked Him to direct, guide and change my path as He saw fit. There is great peace in knowing that it is the Spirit who leads the way.
Amen Joseph. So thankful God designed us and desires for us to know His peace through His Spirit. If only we will learn to dwell with Him and follow His Spirit. Holy Spirit please teach us to follow You. Blessings and following.
Once again, you found a nugget I’ve never seen. And the question is posed three times!! WOW. No way to read this post without reevaluating. Thanks, Tom.
Thank you Julie. I pray to constantly reevaluate and to turn to the refreshing Spirit of God. Blessing and doing.
excellent Tom – I love the repetitive question. I can see we are on the same wave length today.
God and His Spirit to lead us and I am thankful for confirmation of His direction. Blessings and direction.
I have been praying for His leading and I pray I can be still enough to hear His whisper as He leads me.
Thanks Debby, I join you in praying for direction and for hearing. Blessings and knowing.
Great WORD for us Tom…Thanks! God’s choicest blessings on you an yours, Cindy
Thank you Cindy for your presence and gift og these songs. I pray we follow the Spirit with what we have into His incredible and impossible works. Blessings in His possibilities.
I had just read Ben’s post and then came here . . .great companion posts. Thank you for leading us in prayer to hear and do His will. God bless you!
The LORD is faithful and amazing. His Word is true and His Spirit will teach us and use us to spur each other on. I so appreciate your presence and encouragement. Blessings as His Spirit leads you!