Today’s Scripture: Is not your fear of God your confidence and the integrity of your ways your hope? Job 4:6 ESV
Eliphaz was the first friend to speak to Job and was attempting to get Job to change his perspective. My perspective has changed in seeking confidence.
God alone is my confidence. It is not how well I can fear Him. Like Job, I may be in a weak moment, set deep in depression over my life’s circumstances so anything I can offer is insufficient.
What Job knew and what we forget is that it is not the strength of our reverence for God or our acts of integrity that give us hope. It is God Himself. God is my confidence and God is my hope. Regardless of my circumstances or my efforts I know God’s will will be done.
It is God who directs my path it is God who breathes in His will. I am confident in that.
Will we seek confidence in our abilities or in the LORD alone?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, You are my confidence. I confess my hope is in You and not in how well I can fear or act. LORD, fill me with Your will today. I place all of my life and my hope in Your hands. I cry out for Your Wisdom and Your knowledge to flow through me as I have not these things in my own strength. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
God has proved Himself to me–and in Him is my confidence alone (though this has made it harder to trust people, rely on them–and sometimes God Does speak through people; so I have to listen harder, to find out if He has a word for me through somebody else–keeps me on my spiritual toes!) God bless you BIG, Tom.
Amen Sis, trust in Him alone and filter all others through Him and His Word. He does bring His message to us through other messengers yet His desire is to commune with each of us and may we bring together what He has given each of us to spur each other on to all kinds of good works in Him. Blessings and confidence.
Still waiting for the check to clear–sent you another email, as I now think I must have done the wrong thing, caused unintended offense.
It sounds as if you have not received my other messages. I am writing you offline. The check was deposited and no feelings of offense exist and only the glory of God remains.
Thank you, Tom–lots of tech snafus, I imagine, and satan tap-dancing on my head. Will respond to your email of today when I get a breather. God bless you.
The way you put it, leaves no room for panic. Love this one! It really speaks to me.
Thanks, Tom.
Thank you Julie, so thankful He speaks to us and rewards our confidence in Him. Blessings and confidence!