God is so awesome! Once again David shows his passion for the Lord in Psalm 25:5 where this affirmation comes from: Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. (NLT).
Praise God that He is the one who saves me. Not me. I am powerless, I can’t save myself. But the almighty God is who gives me salvation.
I love the fact that God will lead us by His truth and will teach us. We may not see where to go but He is there to show us the way. All we have to do is look to His truth, listen, and go.
David shows us the way in 25:1: “O Lord, I give my life to you.”(NLT). It all starts there doesn’t it?! David had already made the decision. No wavering, no confusion just decisive and complete.
Say those words again: “O LORD, I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU.” What emotions bathe you with that statement? Is this new and fresh to you or is this just a reminder to yourself to keep on giving. Wherever you are this is wonderful news. I am reminded of Luke 17:33 where it is stated: “If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.”(NLT).
Just let go and you are saved. David knew that. We know that. What a great way to start out today and everyday. “O LORD, I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU.” This should be each and every day’s affirmation.
He will teach us the way. If you are hurting or feeling guilt, read Psalm 25 today. You will find that after we give our life to God, He will teach us and lead us. No matter where we are or where we have been. He pulls us from the nets of life and helps us.
It is in Him I put my trust! Yes I am powerless but He is all powerful and knows the way. The power I have for today comes from God. My hope in God is the power to follow His ways. To look to Him with trust…ALL DAY LONG!
- What thoughts or emotions arise in you when you say those words: O LORD I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU.?
- Do you have any reservations?
- Have you ever experienced God’s showing you the way through His truth and His teaching?
- How would you describe your experience with giving your life to God to someone else?
O Lord I give you my life again today! Please show me the way today.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
Okay…I asked God for help with a situation…I hear Him through you saying TRUST…
Thank you. I will trust Him today…
tomraines says
He is there with you today and your trust will be blessed. God, please be with Robin and give her the daily bread she will need today.