Today’s Affirmation: With God all things are possible.
Is this just a cliché? Do we believe it? When does our belief and faith in this kick in? We have heard this statement from Matthew 19:26 so often our lives it has become a trusted friend or just a part of the furniture.
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”(NIV)
With God all things are possible. Yeh, yeh, yeh. Got this, I believe, no problem. But I am worried about this stuff in my life. Anxious over money, stressed over my calendar of events, hopeless over my addictions, defeated from my illnesses, do I remember this verse? Do I really believe it?
Most of you recall that this verse came after the story of the rich young ruler. He asked Jesus how to have eternal life and Jesus said to keep the commandments. Yeh, yeh, yeh said the rich young ruler (kind of), I do all of that stuff. Then Jesus said something interesting that I have never noticed before, IF YOU WANT TO BE PERFECT go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow Me.” We all remember having to sell all we have…and yes like the young ruler most of us would go away sorrowful. The tithe is a challenge for many of us but you want it ALL?
Forty-eight times the word perfect appears in the bible. I have yet to find where Jesus requires us to be PERFECT to have eternal life. If YOU want to be perfect…Do I want to be perfect? Can I do what it takes? Can I sell all I have and give to the poor; can I give him my worries and stress of just this one day?
Unlike, the rich young ruler, instead of walking away sorrowful, I think I would just plop down right there in a puddle of mush and cry and say God, I can not do these things you have asked of me. I don’t need perfection I just want you. I just want to be well. I am a complete mess and I have messed up everything. I am broken and unable to continue. Is there another way?
That’s just me. While Jesus explained that it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven, the disciples asked “Who then can be saved?”
Like the rich young ruler, I can not do those things needed to make me perfect. Whatever those things are today. I already know that on my on strength and my own understanding I CAN NOT DO IT! So, that brings me back to:
“With God all things are possible.” Do I believe it? Do I have any other choice? Where else will I turn? I am already a puddle of mush, am I to rely on my strength? I think not.
In my weakness Father God you are made strong. Amazingly God has brought me back to the verse I intended to write on this morning: 2 Corinthians 12:9. “His power is perfected in my weakness”. He is perfect, I am not but you know what?
With God all things are possible. May we confess our weaknesses today and witness His power.
Do you try to do things to be perfect? Can you confess your weakness and be a witness to God’s power today? I pray we all do!
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Linda M says
Hi Tomraines,
I think that believers are having a crisis with Jesus. I’m not sure how this has happened but it seems that the reality of Christ is lacking in peoples’ lives. God isn’t our servant but we should be experiencing Him. We should see his working in us and around us where we are located. Maybe I feel this way becasue I haven’t really been challenged yet. Maybe I’m being totally judgmental. I’m not sure. I just know that I am overcome by the struggles people are experiencing in trying to walk with God. In even sensing that they are with God and that they are God’s.
I would go back into the past and see where you can remember discounting something, refuting something, speaking against something related to God or his Holy Spirit. When you remember that time, rebuke it, tell God you repent of anything you said that was in error or that would have caused you to refuse or turn away from God’s gifts or helps.
Other than this, I would look for a deliverance ministry to pray for me. I would look for reputable people walking in the truth of God to lay hands on me and pray for me. I would take a look at what I had possibly refused from God becuase of past teaching or biases. I would keep asking for prayer, going up to the altar when possible to come before God in the congregation and have prayer.
I would repent, weep, mourn. call out to God. The Israelites went into captivity. When they began to call upon the Lord and recognized their error in serving other gods, and mourned and repented of that condition, then God brought them back to the land.
Other than that I can only encourage you to keep on keeping on. It’s like you say, you feel that you are trying to walk with God in the flesh. This isn’t possible. You need the Spirit of God. I guess what I am suggesting and saying in this blog is for people to find out what is going on in their natural and spiritual life. Are they estranged from Christ? If they are then I think it’s something to do with sin or the Holy Spirit.
tomraines says
I think most people deal with the flesh. Count yourself fortunate if you have never had to deal with the flesh or been “challenged”. It seems to me those that God chose to have written in His word were real people with real issues. Issues and challenges. David cried out over and over while also singing praises. He didn’t have hands laid on him one time and BAM they were all better. No they had thorns in the flesh in which God never took away. I think compassion for those who are real, honest and hurting is a much better use of the Gospel. Jesus came to find the lost. I love to tell those that are hurting it is OK to be honest and admit you are hurting. God will provide the strength they need to heal.
I think the body of Jesus Christ is better served to lend a hand to those who are hurting than to be judgemental and non-empathetic. Just as with Christ there are some things we can not understand. There are many lonely and hurting people who benefit from honesty. There are millions of people sitting in churches each and every week who will never speak up because the church would be cold and judgemental and just say you must not be “spiritual” enough. Job’s friends come to mind.
You say you ” would repent, weep, mourn. call out to God.” This is a process and yes people need to do these things in the welcoming arms of God. Mourning, going to the alter, crying out is not a one time thing but a moment to moment battle with our evil nature (in my opinion and in my sinful experience). God bless you that you have been cleansed from any sins or struggles. Count yourself fortunate. I am a different part of the body of Christ from you and you will touch those God has gifted to you and I will touch those God has blessed me to serve.
The filling of the Holy Spirit is what gives me this love for others. Especially those who struggle with their beliefs, their addictions and life’s problems. There is no lack of Holy Spirit here. It’s just in real places, with real people who deal with real problems. Rife with sin, you bet. In need of repentance, you bet. Loved, you bet. In that love they find understanding of who Jesus is and what His love is like.
I so appreciate your input and perspective and we can be mindful of the different perspectives in the world today. We are part of the body…just different parts. May God Bless you.
Linda M says
Hi Tomraines,
I do appologize for such a bold forthright opinion in my previous blog. I’m likely to do the same in this blog. that’s who I am. The exposer, the put the rubber to the road , make no bones about it type of person. Is there any wonder that my former husband and I had some difficulties in our marriage? I’m not perfect. I do deal with the flesh as well. However the Bible in Colossians talks about us dying to the old nature with Christ on the cross. I have had my battles. But I’m not battling to find my way to God.
Maybe I’m being presumptuous in thinking that I am doing reasonably well in my walk with Jesus. For sure, I’m not perfect. I’m just struggling at this time with other believers having so much difficulty with their assurance and stability in Christ. I’m not seeing this kind of struggle in the New Testament church. They struggled with false teachers, and severe persecution. Without the help of the Holy Spirit they would not have continued in the faith.
You bet I’ve been challenged Tom. I’ve got a couple of severe challenges facing me right now. My concern is not whether God will help me, or about whether he’s even going to be around when I need him. Will God totally deliver me? Will God work things out with my family? Will God give me strength to continue and prosper at my lawsuit against my former husband? Will God provide for me if I get sick? How will God work out the problems my sister and her husband are facing right now? Their serious financial problems? How will God help my daughter to see the reality about what her husband is doing to their kids? Will I still have my home after the lawsuit is over?
Do you think I have enough challenges Tom? I’m not in the crisis with Jesus that other believers are in at this time. Maybe that will happen down the road. Right now I’m at peace in the midst of turmoil. I have a future with God. I’m at rest at this moment in time. That’s what I mean when I say that some believers are having a crisis in Jesus. Peace and rest does not seem like it is a reality with them. They are having a terrible time with God.
I don’t know if the trials that believers are experiencing in their walk with God and Jesus are ok or not. I think that they should be experiencing some victory is all. Maybe not complete deliverance but certainly some sense of ‘all is well’ in the midst of trials and circumstances. This is what is bothering me the most.
I do appologize Tom. I’m trying to help other believers in my own way. The Bible says when one part of the body is hurting, all the parts mourn with it. It’s not ok for one part of the body to be experiencing reasonable health and another part of the body to be cracked and broken. The cracked and broken part of the body needs to be attended to and mended, otherwise the whole body is in bed sick, waiting.
God loves you and I love you as a brother in Christ.
tomraines says
I understand your position and also apologize. I too have read over my blog and my response to you and certainly came across rather strongly as well. First of all I do love you as a sister in Christ and totally believe God can and is using us in our current places. Each day as I seek the Spirit’s guidance to search for the scriptures and message I am not quite sure where they will take me.
Due to my experiences in recovery I do sometimes find that due to struggles that I am aware others are having my blog takes on a certain flavor. After reading this over I feel the Spirit was leading me to share with others where we may be and where we may find hope? In retrospect the blog appears to be very weak on faith but in a way I pray others will realize that God will meet them there. They will be built up and yes live in full glory of God’s power and might. Where God has me now allows me to see very lonely people with real issues that may not be true believers. This blog is read by some that are believers and some that struggle. It appears today this message clearly showed a lack of faith but that is where some people are. Is that OK? The language and tone used with those hurting people who some have already been burned by the church and I believe you can relate to that need a kindred heart and not a preacher at that moment. I know I need that at times. I am so amazed by God but also at my lack of understanding of all things. I just want to live more like Jesus than the Pharisees. We all have different personalities, gifts and purposes. We will continue to praise God and be the part of the body we are intended.
I truly appreciate your perspective and was not even aware that I was coming across that way. After reading it again I certainly appreciate you reminding of the power of Jesus and the new life we should live and trust in.
In Christ,
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
This is so needed for me today Tom…I feel a bit overwhelmed with a direction God seems to be taking me…under-equipped perhaps. But that’s exactly where He wants us…in our weakness He is made strong…
And just want to say, if I’m wounded and in need of mercy, I’d come here to you. I think your heart is full of love and nurturing for those who struggle…in recovery or in some other area. Keep listening to the Spirit’s leading in your heart my friend…you have a mission and it’s one of love. Which is after all the highest calling.
tomraines says
Just speechless Robin; praying for you today. May God continue to guide us and may our mission serve Him and His sheep. No matter where they may be today.