Today’s Scripture: Romans 7:25, NIV- “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.” We must take our first step in anything. In Step One of Celebrate Recovery we first admit we are powerless over our addictions and ... Continue Reading »
I am holding on to the teachings of Jesus.
Today’s Scriptures: John 8:31, NIV- “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” In this day and age why should we hold to the teachings of Jesus? Because the truth and power of God and His Son are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The first scripture I read this morning was ... Continue Reading »
Dear God, I am welcoming Your perfect love.
Today’s Scripture: 1 John 4:18, NKJV- “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” As I was praying alone in the dark this morning, I was reminded of a scripture I just drove by yesterday. God knows when we are missing the point and He will drive ... Continue Reading »
Jesus, I am falling on my face at Your feet and giving You thanks.
Today’s Scripture: Luke 17:16, ESV- “and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan.” I was reminded this morning to return to the feet of Jesus and give Him thanks as fervently as I cry out for His help. I recalled Luke 17 where the one leper, out of ten, turned back to Jesus to thank Him and glorify God with ... Continue Reading »
I love my brothers and sisters.
Today’s Scripture: 1 John 4:21, NASB- “And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God must also love his brother and sister.” I laughed out loud at where God “happened” to have me in His commands this morning. With our Presidential election in the United States of America taking place tomorrow, there is very little “united”. ... Continue Reading »
I am strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 6:10, NIV- “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” We do not need to feel strong to be strong. At times we may seem to have no power. Thankfully, our strength and power are not our own. Life can be exhausting. It is impossible to please everyone. Fortunately when we act on the will of God from our ... Continue Reading »
I am boasting only about the LORD.
Today’s Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:17, NLT- “As the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.” Paul spoke of the generosity of the early church for giving support for the gospel in 2 Corinthians 8-10. In 2 Corinthians 8:9 Paul stated “You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your ... Continue Reading »