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Today’s Scripture: Psalm 146:3, NIV- “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”
I have proven over and over that I cannot trust myself so why would I put my trust in any other human being? The LORD alone can help and save us.
When we turn to the LORD, we find the truth and power of praise. Step One of Celebrate Recovery says that before we can take our first step in recovery we must first face and admit our denial. Not only must we not deny that we have issues, but we must also deny the thought we can help and save ourselves. Instead of putting our energies into solving our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, we must turn our energy into trusting and praising our LORD.
Psalm 146:1 gives us the true first step in living in freedom. “Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.” (KJV) Let us begin with praising the LORD right here where we are. We cannot begin with our attempts to fix what is wrong. We must begin with turning our praises and trust towards the LORD.
Hurts, habits, and hang-ups are a part of living. Yet, Psalm 146:2, KJV states “While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.” Whether we are currently living at our highest or lowest points, we can praise the LORD and sing His praises.
Our verse for today Psalm 146:3 instructs us not to put our trust in human power. It cannot help or save us. With our hearts and plans set on eternity, our temporary setbacks bring us to the blessings of our LORD. In fact, Psalm 146:5 states that “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God,” (NKJV).
Let us not place our hopes in human strength. Psalm 146:6 reminds us that “He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them– he remains faithful forever.” (NIV) God made us and knows our shortcomings. Though we are unfaithful, our LORD and our God is faithful forever.
Our God stands with us, feeds us, and breaks our chains. As Psalm 146:8 promises, “The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD lifts those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous [the upright in heart]. (Amplified Bible). I can relate to the translations that our LORD lifts those who are weighed down or broken down. Under the weight of our troubles, I am thankful that the LORD breaks us down to our knees. Bowing before Him with a heart of desperation and praise is where we find His power.
God is our Maker and He is aware of our tendency to do the wrong things. He is still reigning when we are brought low enough to bow before Him. Bowed down and lifting praises to our God is where we find “How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” Psalm 147:1, NIV.
Right here, right now, wherever we find ourselves, it is fitting to praise the LORD our God. We may not understand or be able to see a way out, but God does open the eyes of the blind. Will you find enough energy to praise God, the Maker of all things today? He will raise us up.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, Maker of all things, I am praising You now. Forgive me for my trespasses and forgive those who have trespassed against me. I am putting my trust in You LORD. You, the LORD of Jacob, are my LORD and my God. Raise me up LORD to live righteously for You. All my hope is in You. LORD, I am trusting You to guide my plans and my life forever. Help me to serve You while I am living and glorify You forever. Amen.
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