Today’s Scripture: You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely. Psalm 59:17 NIV
Twice in this fifty-ninth chapter of Psalms the writer called on God to come meet Him. How awesome to know that the God of Creation, the God of Israel will come to meet us.
Can you say it out loud? The LORD comes to meet me. The LORD comes to my rescue. I wait and watch for God’s strength and His love. Can you see Him coming? What are you facing today?
You LORD are the Almighty and You God are my strength. You are my fortress and my refuge. I find safety and security in knowing You meet me in my times of distress.
Thank You God for showing me Your love and for protecting me from the evil that rises up against me.
You God are my strength.
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, please come to meet me. LORD God of hosts, God of Israel, You are my God. I am watching for You God. You are my fortress and my strength. In Your steadfast love You meet me. LORD I sing of Your strength and Your love. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
cycleguy says
My “strength” verse came from Psalm 121 today Tom.
Tom Raines says
Awesome Bill. I love the heart of Psalms and the strength and promises of God found there! He is our strength!!
Blessings and His strength!