Have you ever gotten “stuck” on a thought? You just can’t let it go? This affirmation has brought on a battle between my heart and my head. I KNOW and have experienced that the word of God is living and powerful. The problem is I can NOT define what this “word of God” is.
This affirmation is harvested directly from Hebrews 4:12 where Paul says:
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (NKJ)
My first thought this morning when I came across this verse was thinking of the “word” as the “bible”. Yes, I have found this to be true that this word of God IS living and powerful. However, it quickly dawned on me (I apologize to the pastors and biblical scholars that may wonder why I didn’t think this earlier) that Paul is not speaking of the paper and ink collection of books we often refer to as “the word”. This “word of God” was not even compiled yet.
No, Paul is referring to the deeper word; the penetrating and all powerful word of God. I know I have heard “in the beginning was the word”; this word has references to it by Solomon and others in the Old Testament. I know it is written in our bible in many places that I do not wish to go there today. I just want to plant a seed or a challenge to myself and you to explore this further. Let’s go deep and seek and study to know this word more deeply.
How “deep” does something have to be to separate our soul and spirit? Have you really tried to understand the difference between the two? There is a difference and it is deep, deep, deep within you. Can you find them? Paul indicates here that “the word” here is sharper than a two edged sword that says it can separate joints and marrow. How deep is that to cut within your very bones to separate the bone from the marrow? That’s pretty deep isn’t it?
This word that is beyond our understanding is beyond living and powerful too. Can’t explain it but just know that I know. That the word of God, which has used the Word of God and used the Spirit of cut deeply into me where I have found life and power.
Because of this word that God has used to pierce my soul and my spirit I am able to do what Paul describes in Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (NKJ)
Yes, I can! The battle if wits have ended. It is this word that has separated my soul and given me the boldness and comfort to know I can approach the throne of the Almighty. That I know I have received His grace and His mercy. He has cut away all that was old with his two edged sword and has forgiven me and shown Himself to me.
May we come to the throne together in boldness and confidence in the word. This revelation of who He is to us in our deepest most innermost places. Can you sense it? Can you feel it? Exactly where does the soul separate from the spirit and the bones from the marrow. Can you look deep inside? What do YOU see? Be still can you hear the word of God?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Donald Borsch Jr. says
The sum of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
Psalm 119: 160a
As an occultist, pre-Salvation, I used to read The Scriptures to find ammo to trip up nominal and legalistic “christians”. Things changed, however, when Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me as Who He really was/is.
Now The Scriptures are food, strength, power, Truth, correction, honor, wisdom, knowledge, and absolutely wonderful to me. How many times have any of us read and re-read a certain passage of The Scriptures and find something new in it each time? It is indeed alive and powerful!
And His Word never fails. Have you noticed that? Sometimes the basest of arguments are “won” simply by allowing The Word of God to speak for itself and you can just sit back and watch His wisdom befuddle the “smartest of critics”. Not that winning arguments is our goal! Of course not. But man’s wisdom is foolishness to God. Whenever I have those conversations, I have learned to simply speak The Word and not inject myself into it at all. Even the “smartest doubters” realize they are beaten by His Word.
Tom, your blog is a daily stop for me. I appreciate this ministry of yours! (And it is a ministry, truth be told!)
tomraines says
Donald, once again I appreciate your visit and I must say your last line made my day. I only seek to do His will here and pray it does minister to those He wishes. I pray to only to be faithful to the call. BTW…I just went to your blog. I have enjoyed your commentaries. As one who is not much into debate or conflict I am thankful you are equipped to fight the good fight. I just chimed in on your New Church pieces…that’s true deception. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Have a great day and thank you for your ministry!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
No thanks needed, but I’ll take ’em anyways! LOL!
The thing for me is that as New Covenant Christ-followers, we all do have ministries. Whether it is being the best dad we can be, to being the best employee we can be, to being the best son or daughter we can be…it is all done for the Glory of our Father and His Son.
People strive and strain to “do something that matters for Jesus!”, but I flinch and wince when I hear such words. It is as though some folks have bought into the lie that only those who have BIG MINISTRIES really are accomplishing anything for Jesus. Yikes!
I wrote about it here.
We are indeed, all of us as Christ-followers, “ministers of the New Covenant”:
4Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. 5Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 6who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
2 Corinthians 3: 4-6 NAS
I may never stand before a king or a president. I may never make it onto TV or the radio. I may never have my own global ministry that makes millions of bucks. But I know that I have a covenant wife and 2 daughters that look to me to be the priest of House Borsch. That’s my ministry.
Simple. If we are faithful with little, He will give us much. Start small and show yourselves to be willing to learn and walk with The Spirit, being a faithful steward to the things He has given you. Everything else will fall into place.
Tom, always a pleasure.
tomraines says
Love it Donald!!
bill (cycleguy) says
Good words today Tom. I am preaching on worship tomorrow and the Word is so essential to understanding worship in its fullness. Blessings to you.
tomraines says
Thanks Bill. I am praying now that you are in the middle of a worshipful service. We are travelling today and I have been worshiping with you at this hotel this morning…may your flock worship Him today. I know they are!