The SAME God who raised Jesus will raise me. Praise God. How powerful is that? But God I am so unworthy. Stop, right there. Those thoughts where Satan holds us captive. Yes, BUT…you do not know where I have been.
This affirmation is from 1 Corinthians 6:14: God raised the Lord, and by his power God will also raise us. (GWT)
It’s there in black and white. The same God who raised the Lord will raise us. Do you find hope and praise in that statement? The God of all creation will raise you.
And, yes raise you from wherever you have gone. Go ahead read the list in 1 Corinthians 6:8-10. I am sure we all fall into these areas of sin: cheaters, sexually immoral, thieves, drunkards… Yes and more! Didn’t think you were worthy?
Such is the good news in 6:11: And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (NKJV)
Yes, Paul I was. Thank you for letting me know that no matter the depths of my sin, my lack of self control, my addictions or whatever I have done I HAVE BEEN WASHED AND JUSTIFIED. As you complete your 4th Step Spiritual inventory in Celebrating Recovery just know your sins have been made as white as snow.
The same God, the same Spirit raised me and lives in me. Don’t let Satan make you think you are not worthy of washing and justification. You are and King of Kings has raised you and made you clean.
May you praise Him today.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I will praise Him today for making me clean…and pray for others who have yet to come to this realization…
Amen Robin…it is beautiful that He can turn our hearts to others and hope for them!
Thanks for the caring reminder!
Thanks, Tom. This helps me with a devotional I need to write! Beautiful reminder.
Thank you Julie! I was in such a rush this morning to get out the door and try to publish I have some poor typo’s…kind of embarassed my professional writer friend read this one!! So happy this helped you and you were able to hear God in spite of me. Have blessed day!
My ‘spiritual father’, Jim McNally, once told me-
“Never believe in anything that cannot resurrect you.”
Words I still live by today.
Wise words! We must be diligent in what we believe, trust and lean on !! Thanks Donald!