Today’s Scripture: having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, Ephesians 1:18 ESV
Do you remember where you were when ___________happened? I had to find this verse this morning because I know when the eyes of my heart were enlightened.
Last night, I awoke in the middle of the night. As I considered staying up at 1:30 a.m. to work or to go back to my slumber for a bit I sought to see the light of God. I have often spoken about looking to God’s light in prayer and feeling the Holy Spirit within me.
Tonight was different as I recognized the limitations of both my eyes and the vision of my mind’s eye. My heart, my soul, my spirit caught a glimpse of God’s light. I knew my heart was looking towards God and I was enlightened.
Keep looking to the light of God, keep seeking Him with all of your heart and you will see Him.
Have the eyes of your heart ever been enlightened?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for our Lord Jesus Christ who showed us the way to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened. LORD, please direct my eyes towards You. Please draw my eyes to You without ceasing. I want to keep the eyes of my heart focused on You and Your will. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Steve Pace says
Great stuff here today Brother, thank you
Tom Raines says
Thank you Steve, I appreciate your confirmation and encouragement! Blessings and enlightenment!
bennetta faire says
Oh YES, I have recently had my heart’s eyes opened and enlightened–and I’m so excited that I’m probably getting on folks’ nerves!! God bless you BIG, Tom–have an excellent day with Jesus!
Tom Raines says
I LOVE it Sis! I have been thinking I probably get on people’s nerves too…not so much here but when I publish to Facebook to folks that probably hid my updates years ago…We can share the JOY that God has given us and let Him wrestle with other over the nerves. We can share our experiences in love and hopefully some of those nerves become triggers. Love you BIG!
bennetta faire says
Oh good, another Brother who “gets it”–the JOY is just So BIG, we can’t stifle it!!
Tom Raines says
We can not stifle the Spirit of a living God. His Spirit is so BIG it is in all things. Praying our hearts are continually enlightened by Him. Joy, joy, joy deep in our hearts to stay!
bennetta faire says
Oh I love that song too!! It bursts out of me at unexpected moments–like I’m 5 years old!
Tom Raines says
Haha sis, me too;) So thankful when joy busts out!! Blessings and joy!
Debbie says
I love your prayers , Tom, and what a wonderful thing when God enlightens the eyes of our hearts! I need that each and every day! God bless you and yours abundantly!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb. I pray God’s blessings upon you and those you minister to as your heart is enlightened.
Andrea Richards says
Just today I was asking The Lord for New Eyes( His way of seeing things instead of my own) and after blessing me with what I had asked Him for, he lead my to the scripture you have shared. Thanks so much for confirmation!