Today’s Scripture: The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. Proverbs 13:4 ESV
What are you craving? Our bodies, our minds and our souls crave. As our mouth’s water what do we do to fulfill that craving? As our minds dream and expose desires how do we fulfill them? When our flesh craves evil can we repent and redirect to welcome God’s rich blessings?
We have natural cravings that can sustain or destroy us. May we be diligent to give all of our cravings to God. As our mouths water, as we are tempted to fulfill cravings in unhealthy ways, may we turn that craving to God and diligently pursue Him.
LORD here is my craving, please satisfy it richly. My soul craves You.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for cravings. LORD, thank You for Your faithfulness and provision. Please help me to be faithful in seeking Your will in all of my cravings. I desire You LORD, my soul craves You. Help me to diligently pursue You. Keep me near. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Paislee Blu says
Yep, always craving more of HIM here! God bless you brother Tom–(hope you got my email re the tithe check….)
Tom Raines says
Sis, I will check my emails. I have been in my warehouse sales season and have NOT checked emails lately. I will try to do so. Blessings and craving!
Paislee Blu says
I know you’re busy–and I’m less concerned about an email response than I am for you to bank that check ASAP. Thanks, God bless.
Tom Raines says
Sis, a long story, I have sent the check with my wife (bank not near where I am). I know your gift was from and for God and I was not going to co-mingle it with Ceasar’s. The seeds of the kingdom are in transit to be planted. BLESSINGS.
Julie Garmon says
Thanks, Tom. Craves is such a strong word, isn’t it! Perfect Word for the day.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Julie. May we crave Him over all other things today. Blessings in your cravings.