Today’s Scripture: In you, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion. Psalm 71:1 NKJV
I want to live my trust as much as I feel it or state it. Do I say I trust the LORD yet live like I trust the things of man? Yes, there is confusion there and like David my desire is not to be put to confusion nor cause confusion to others.
The LORD blessed me with over twenty five different affirmations from Psalm 71 this morning and all of these give me the hope and assurance to trust in a Mighty God. I will sing His praises with my lips and my soul all day long. This builds my trust. I will tell every one of the mighty acts of God, this builds my trust. I will remind myself of how God has revived and comforted me. I know all my trust is in Him.
Like David, when I do these things my lips and my soul shout for joy and my trust is true.
How is God teaching you to completely trust Him?
Today’s Prayer: Mighty God, I praise You with my lips and my heart. Forgive me for when I put my trust in other things. In You, O LORD do I put my trust. Please continue to teach me and remind me of Your power, Your hope and Your comfort. Help me to live my trust so I may share this with others and not cause any confusion or shame. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Oh what a powerful prayer Tom. The world is always trying to sow distrust in our hearts for our God. It is in calling ourselves to prayer and the Word that our faith is forced against the world’s mistrust.
Thank you Joseph, may we constantly answer the call to pray with out ceasing and to read the Word He has written on our hearts. Blessings and trust.
Forced should be the Word girded.