Today’s Scripture: Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 ESV
In coming to know God and who He is I come to trust Him. As we mature in faith we learn how little we can trust ourselves but how abundantly we can trust God.
I heard God’s steadfast love this morning just as David must have when he captured his experience here in Psalm 143:8. I hear God by remembering who He is. He is the Creator God; He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and all of those we remember in His Word.
When I hallow His name I recall these characters of old and I hear Him. I see how He led those who had no idea where He was leading. He showed them the way they should go and my soul is lifted to know He knows my way. I will go because in God I trust.
Do you trust in God? Is your soul lifted by hearing of His steadfast love in the morning?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for speaking to us out of Your steadfast love. Thank you for showing us that we can trust in You. Your Word, Your servants from old assure me of Your guidance and Your provision. I am Your servant and I trust in You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I do trust in the Lord Jesus Tom. He is all my hope in this world and Oh what I hope. I loved this line from today’s affirmation, “I hear God by remembering who He is. “
May I reblog this?
Isn’t that such a wonderful hope?! From the seemingly minuscule “He is all the hope I have”to the awareness of the abundance of His hope. “Oh what a hope”!! And certainly you may reblog this…I pray God’s blessings and Spirit upon those who receive it…I trust His Word will be received and not mine…Thanks Pastor!
Of course, if you feel others will benefit from God’s word to them. Blessings!
I love hearing His steadfast love in the morning and all throughout the day. What a wonderful encouragement and confirmation you’ve given us, Tom. Thank you and God bless you!
Thank you Deb! Blessings to you as you know His love!
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I love the thought that we hear God by remembering who He is!
Thank you jelillie for your encouragement and furthering of God’s word. I am blessed by your faithfulness and confirmation!
This is great, brother Tom–and I’m following Deb and Pastor J’s lead, to follow your blog! God bless you abundantly–love, sis Caddo
I am honored sis Caddo that you stopped by and subscribed. I pray that God’s glory will be added to you by your presence with us. I look forward to many more blessings with you. Thank you for your kind words and blessings. I return a prayer of God’s abundant love to be lived and shared through you! Blessings!