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Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 16:9 NIV: In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Are you a planner? Both of my friends Brandon at and Patsy at both referenced Proverbs 16:9 as I was writing on 16:3 earlier this week. Well, as God works, I am here today following a day where I just knew I need to make a plan. Some people are great planners but this is one of my major weaknesses. But it is time.
Where will my plans come from, hmmmm? Am I going to wait for God to speak from the Holy Mountain or the clouds to direct me? Am I waiting on God or is He waiting on me?
I am a dreamer but not a planner. It is time that I plan. My first step is to drop to my knees in prayer and ask Him to guide my heart and then I will write out the plans. How will these plans happen? That’s God’s part; one step at a time. At each step I will allow Him to guide my heart.
How has the LORD directed your steps? Will you pray for me that I am faithful to the plans of my heart and that it is the Spirit of God who guides me? Can I pray for you?
Today’s Prayer: Holy Spirit of God, please guide the plans of my heart. LORD, I only want to desire what You desire. I will write out the plans of my heart and I will trust You to direct my steps. Help me make daily steps and daily plans so that I move far and at the pace You desire. Forgive me for my lack of faith and lack of planning in my life. Forgive me for my laziness. I want to be where You want me LORD. Help me now. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Oh Tom this has been a big one for me! When I started planning I hated it. Then I began to think of it as a necessary evil. Now I plan every week. I was taught to plan according to my roles. Son of God, husband, father, son, brother, pastor, and artist. Every week I sit down and pray which one of my roles would you have me fill this week God and how? I am still learning but I am getting better. I will pray for you as you begin this process.
Thank you Jelillie! Great ideas and I appreciate your prayers, immensely! Intentional living has been haunting me for a couple of years. I MUST seek God’s assistance and plan and act daily! I too am praying that all of your roles are blessed and impactful.
Tom ~
Yes! I will pray for you and please, will you pray for me?
I need to plan better and most importantly, I need to remember the way to start is on my knees. I am so bad about that. All too often, I try to do things “my” way – a very poor way to start the plan.
Thanks for the reminder! I’ve already started to pray for you.
Thanks Katy I so appreciate your prayers! I will pray with you now. Father God, hear our cries to know your plan. We only want what you want. As we cry out to you and seek You now, please move our hearts our desires in the direction You want each of us to move. You created us and wired us to be who we are for You. That’s who we want to be and we want to plan from our heart what you want for us and where You want us to be. Please help write your plans on our hearts. Help us to dream and imagine who we are to be in you. Who can we help, whom can we save, what do I have others need to know You Father. What part of Your body are we? As we kneel before You mighty God, show us now your ways. Thank You for Your faithfulness, Your glory and Your grace. Amen.
Thank you!
Tom-Back on March 24th of last year, Holy Spirit directed me to write down the vision God placed in my heart, based on Habakkuk 2:2-4. Your question: Am I waiting on God or is He waiting on me? hit a target today because, ugh, if I’m really honest, I’ve been waiting for that proverbial “Booming Voice” to tell me step B. I wish you could know the sense of revelation I’m experiencing. I mean, I JUST had to write out a business proposal at my job for an idea I had, detailing every step. When I went over it with my boss, he told me one of the reasons he had me do that is not so much for him, but for ME…to get things clear and straight for myself, to have the greatest success possible. I pray for you, for all of us: Heavenly Father, thank you for revelation. You said in Your Word that if we seek Your wisdom you would gladly give it. We seek Your wisdom as we write out a specific plan for what you would have us do. We thank You for using us, earthen vessels to carry out Your purpose and plan here on this earth. We give You all the glory and all the honor LORD. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen And Father, thank you for sending out Tom…for already using Tom. You get all the glory Lord. I just want you to know how thankful I am that he said yes to you and for his diligence and perseverance in giving out your Word. Continue to bless him and his family LORD. In the name of Jesus.
Praise the LORD! Thank you Cindy for your prayer and for sharing your story. Isn’t is amazing how a seemingly disconnected from God activity is actually used or orchestrated by God. Just like your boss at work, our Heavenly Father wants us to write it out for US, so we will begin to realize what He already knows…I too have waited too long for the booming voice but will trust in knowing we have asked, we have knocked and He will be faithful to open the door and answer our prayers and guide us with His Spirit. Actually, He already is isn’t He?! I am praying for your plan as well and am incredibly expectant to see God work through you Cindy. Let’s be faithful and begin to write it out. How energizing and powerful is our God. Blessings and prayers to you.
Just like I mentioned in the comments for the post on Prov 16:3, it is one of my favorite verses!
Thanks for sharing and explaining this verse with everyone today!
Thanks Brandon. Not sure I “explain” it but just share how it hit me here and now. Bless you
Wow…First reading this post and then the praise and prayers below have really moved me. What a blessing. I am filled with so much gratitude for all of you. Especially you Mr. Raines As a new Christian at times feel lost. Your affirmations and prayers always speak to me. This post and all the comments have touched my heart. Thank You Father for leading me to this page may you continue to richly bless Mr. Tom Raines for obediently following your commands and assist him with YOUR great and mighty power to further write your plans. Lord we know the plans you have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. In Jesus name I pray that we can write and follow your plans.
Blessings to you all
Samantha, thank you for stopping by and for praying for and with us. I am deeply moved and thankful for you joining in. I have NO DOUBT that He is with us now. Where two or more are gathered in His name there He is also and I am overwhelmed with His Spirit at this moment because of the heart and love of all the prayers today. Maybe we have all stumbled upon something today in these prayers. Maybe this is the work we are called to do(at least for today I know it was). To pray together over God’s word and spur each other on to all kinds of great works and plans. Plans He gives each of us and may we celebrate together His love and Hiis power that He gives us in these honest prayers. Samantha, this was a lovely and awesome prayer in which I know the Holy Spirit is guiding and using. Blessings to you Samantha and I hope you will visit again. Let’s write our plans and prepare for Him to be glorified in them. Blessings to all and have a nice weekend!