Today’s Scripture: “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” To him who lacks sense she says, Proverbs 9:4 ESV
We choose which way to turn moment to moment don’t we? Proverbs 9 reminds us that both Wisdom and folly call out to us. Which way will we turn?
Before turning, can we ask the LORD to impress upon our spirits and minds as to whether this decision is towards Wisdom or folly?
The Holy One will guide us. The more we practice our turning the more we come to know Wisdom and the voice of the Holy One. Lord, I am thankful that I am so simple minded. I know I do not know where to go but You O LORD know the way of life.
I do not trust my mind but I do trust in the LORD and have the fear of the LORD. The Holy One will guide us more and more in the ways of Wisdom as we listen to Her.
Will you listen to and walk in the way of God’s insight today?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to hear Your Wisdom. Help me to turn to Her and to walk in Your ways. Teach me O LORD to turn more and more to the calling of Wisdom and protect me from folly. Forgive me for my wrong turns. I love You LORD above all things and desire above all things to walk in Your ways. I am turned to Wisdom now guide me in Your ways. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Steve Pace says
Good stuff Brother, needed that today, thanks
Tom Raines says
Thank you brother Steve, I appreciate you chiming in with confirmation. May we turn to Wisdom and go and do as we are directed:) Blessings and Wisdom.
Ponder says
I spent a lifetime listening to Folly, turning that way–which is really embarrassing for a women everyone thought was so smart. But to rely on the good mind God gave me, would be folly too–better that I keep fine-tuning my spirit in His Word, that I may hear His voice and turn the way of wisdom. Being “smart” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be–I tend to think too much and get into trouble, even if it’s only worrying myself unnecessarily, trying to be responsible for things He never intended to be my “job”. I’ve been humbled, and pray to be simple now. God bless you BIG, Tom. Thanks always for these great posts you offer each day.
Tom Raines says
I love this Sis! Thank you for your honesty. If we were all honest our “smarts” can not fathom the greatness of God’s Wisdom. We are so limited by what our minds “know” and it is certainly a folly filled trap. Thanks be to God that we ALL reach a point or a situation that opens our eyes and our minds to the need for this greater intelligence. This Wisdom that put this world into place and opens our spirits to a world beyond our understanding and comprehension. I join you in praying humbly to God and thanking Him for our simplicity that allows us to enter into His majesty. If we only turn and look to Him with a simple heart, even that of a child, we are awed. BIG Blessings Sis.
Debbie says
Thank you, Tom, and praying with you to turn to wisdom, to Him, moment by moment. I am reading in John chapter 10, about how the sheep know the shepherd’s voice and follow him. So thankful for our Good Shepherd! God bless you and yours as you turn to Him each day!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb, I love praying with you. Thank you for sharing the reminder from John. May we turn to His voice and follow Him. I join you in thanksgiving. Blessings more and more.