Ok God I get it. Sitting in the woods over the weekend I opened my bible to Mark 5. There Mark tells the story of Legion. The demon possessed man who lived among the tombs with his unclean spirit. We were told “no one could tame him.”
“When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped Him.” Mark 5:6 NKJV. Here is a guy filled with many demons, Mark says enough to go into the 2000 swine and he recognized Jesus and ran to worship Him. It is interesting that even the demons recognized Him and Jesus asked him his name. He said Legion as there were many unclean spirits within him.
OK, our lives may not be as sick as Legion’s but we may still be tormented. The Good News is that Jesus can get rid of unclean spirits. He can get us in our right mind. In Mark 5:15 when the people of the city came out to see what was going on they found Legion sitting there clothed and “in his right mind”. Yes, Jesus can get us there. Maybe the point is if we fill ourselves with His ONE spirit we will get in our right mind.
Now in his right mind Legion wanted to go with Jesus but Jesus said: “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” (NKJV) Now there is an affirmation for you. Can’t we do that? Has Jesus changed you? Has He shown compassion on you? Now what? An affirmation is: I go and tell my friends what great things the Lord has done for me: how he has had compassion on me.”
I read that story in Mark on Saturday. On Tuesday I was in Luke chapter 8 where Luke also recounts this story of Legion. Luke says Jesus told Legion “Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you.” (NKJV) This is where today’s affirmation for me lies: I tell what great things God has done for me. Has God done anything great in your life? What is your story? God has shown me this story twice in the past five days so I think I get it and he is reminding me to just tell my story where I am.
Interesting that Legion didn’t have great things done for him either until “he ran to Jesus and worshiped him.” Do you need to run to Him now? Jesus I praise you and thank you for removing my unclean spirits. Thank for not only breaking the chains that bound me (even Legion could do that) but that you can also take whatever spirits that torment me and drive them out. I do run to you Jesus and worship you.
We have been cleansed, saved, renewed, restored and had many other great things done for us from Jesus, so now what? What are we going to do with it? Also in Luke 8, Luke talks about lighting the lamp. We have lit the lamp, now what are we going to do with it? We are going to put it on the lamp stand so others can see it, right? Jesus didn’t send Legion off to Asia or Africa and ask him to preach the Good News. A matter of fact he would not even let him go anywhere else as he wanted to do. No He just told him to go home to His family and friends and tell them what great things He had done for him. Has Jesus had compassion on you? Can you just tell your family and friends? We don’t have to try to convince anyone. Just tell our story. What is your story? What has Jesus done for you?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Wow – very apropos at the moment in our lives. Thank you for your divine inspiration. Please keep Jimmy and our family in prayer today as we are broken, and need heavenly comfort. God is faithful, and I have to trust in Him.
Absolutely! Praying now! I know God can break hearts, get rid of evil spirits and heal us. He can bring us to our right minds and heal all wounds. May we find our peace, love and joy first in Him. God show yourself and break hearts so you may put them back in the proper alignment with You. Like you have healed us you can heal others. Keep praying Sis, glad you figured this thing out, ha!
I have always been intrigued by this story and Legion’s response to follow jesus but being told to go back to those he knows. i sometimes wonder if the failure to do that is because we feel that we don’t have a “story” like his. I don’t…least not in the “i was so bad but Jesus saved me from this or that.” I still have a story to tell and have to remember that it is about His grace. Good point today.
Thanks Bill! We are intimidated ,aren’t we ,because our stories are just not bad enough some times? I know I didn’t think I was an alcoholic for many years as I was highly functioning without the horror stories. There are dramatic stories and then there are just ours…People still need to know what Jesus has done in our lives, don’t they? There are more non-legionaires than Legions out there that need the good news. The “legions” will speak with those who need to hear that story and there are other Bill’s and Tom’s out there that need to hear our story. Keep sharing brother!
Beautiful post, I wish I could believe in Jesus’ miracles. For 42 years I was a very devote Christian, not anymore, and it hurts.
Miquel, I too disconnected for many years. I also got to where I hurt so bad that I broke. When life brought me to my knees and my only hope was Him I just went to Him daily as a broken person. I don’t have to believe in His miracles any more because I just experience them every day. For me, it is not about believing but living in them. Just run to Him and tell Him you can not believe today and ask Him to help you with your unbelief. He is amazing and the hurt becomes true joy. Praying for you now.
Why not hang out with Tom, or Bill, or me? My email address is donaldborschjr@yahoo.com. I completely empathize with your situation regarding Jesus Christ.
The invitation has been extended. Perhaps one of us could show you our Jesus as you have never seen Him before.
Ate logo!
Donald in Bethel, CT
Thank you Donald! Absolutely Miquel you are welcomed and encouraged to contact us. Donald thank you for being available!
i will concur with tom & Donald. Hang out with us Miguel! we have no axe to grind and I know tom (but not donald at this point) but we are not going to be judgmental either. Share your concerns either with one of us on our blogs or by email. Mine is available from Tom if you want it. In the meantime: I am a cyclist (sorry no soccer). You guys have some great cyclists. I have a soft spot of Jan Ulrich and for the Schleck brothers. 🙂