Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 2:4 NLT: Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
Do you think God pays time and a half? What are you willing to work overtime for? What motivates us to work at all costs?
We have all sacrificed sleep, family and routine to gain extra money. That’s only a few dollars and I am questioning what I and you are willing to trade for the understanding and Wisdom of God. We are instructed to seek understanding as silver.
Do you think gaining the understanding of God will have a longer lasting affect on your life and the world rather than an extra paycheck? How long did that last overtime check or bonus last you?
The riches of having the understanding and Wisdom of God last forever. This is the silver I seek. How about you? What are you willing to sacrifice to gain the understanding of God?
Today’s Prayer: Father God I praise you! I seek after Your Wisdom and Your understanding. I need Your understanding LORD. My life and the life of others depend on it. Please give me the energy and the ability to seek after Your understanding. The riches of Your understanding are what I seek. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
So true, Tom!
I am constantly reminding myself that God is enough and I only need money to pay my worldly bills… and even some of those are unnecessary.
I do pray to seek the Almighty with more vigor than I seek the “almighty” dollar.
I am with you. thanks for sharing!
That is the silver that I want to seek also. Thanks for the encouragement Tom.
Thanks Dustin!
Lord, how I long for your understanding and wisdom. Speak to my heart Lord and lead me to your riches for that is what I am truly seeking. Thank you, Tom, for reminding us that our treasures are from the one above and not from our paycheck.
Thank you Debby. May we seek His treasures! Blessings to you!
Thank you, Tom! Beautiful and compelling!
Yes, may our hearts seek always true riches and treasures…and may our eyes be fixed always upon His Kingdom.
Earthly treasures wither and fade, but the treasures of our LORD are incorruptible and eternal.
May God continue to bless you, brother in Christ, as you share His Light!
Thank You Caroline! “incorruptible and eternal”…why do we chase after others…Thank you and may God’s Holy Spirit continue to guide your beautiful writing and your heart! Blessings.
Tom, as the wife of a full-time associate pastor and mission-type school administrator, I have come to rely on His treasure more and more. He Does meet all of our needs! We never lack. I am constantly amazed at how the funds come through! Just when one of us flagging in our faith, He sends the means to take us to the next portion. To Him be all the glory, not anything I have done. I hold fast to the words spoken by Jesus in Matthew.
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else…” Matthew 6:31-33a & verse 21:
“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
Thanks Kimberly! These verses I hold dear and challenge myself with them constantly. I am praying thanksgivings for you and your husband and for your ministries. I pray God will help me to cling to these verses and trust Him. This is an area I have been praying over. I say the words but my spirit screams that I do not live like I believe it! God, I do believe You provide and it is not in my strength and I will seek Your Kingdom above all else. Please help me in my weakness. I pray all my treasures are in You! Amen