Today’s Scripture: And all the people were trying to touch Him, for power was coming from Him and healing them all. Luke 6:19 NASB
Have you reached out to Jesus lately? The Word of God overwhelms with His power when I do. When I reach out to Jesus and His words He offers healing for ALL of me.
When we try to touch Him He heals us all; and we ALL need Him. On that day in Luke 6 there were the newly named 12 apostles, a crowd of disciples and a great multitude and He healed them ALL. Jesus loved the apostles, the disciples and the multitudes.
Later in Luke 6 He calls us to love everyone too. His power is what makes this possible. Like Jesus did the entire night before this day let us go to God in prayer and seek His power. Our rewards and our blessings are great when we try to touch Jesus.
Have you tried to touch Jesus? Reach out to Him and receive His many blessings.
Today’s Prayer: Jesus, I am reaching out to You. I feel Your great power and I thank You for healing me. I thank You for Your words and for Your Love for me. Help me to love as You love. Continue to teach me Your ways. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debbie says
What a great affirmation for us today .. . to reach out and touch Jesus, and be healed. It can really be that simple! God bless you, Tom. You have a very unique and special ministry!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Debbie! You are SOOOO encouraging to me and I thank you for confirming God’s work in me. I praise Him and give Him all the glory. I am a grateful sinner!