Today’s Scripture: Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. Psalm 146:3 NIV
I am giving up my trust in my feelings and in others. I have to get beyond where others put their trust and continue to trust in the God of forever.
My feelings and human understanding will pass away yet the God who created heaven and earth will be forever. I am amazed at the divide of humanity. I am amazed at our arrogance; our all-consuming pride and understanding that are so fragile and temporary.
Those who resist trusting God somehow find hope in trusting in other humans. During political times we witness trust in man. These human beings cannot save us. “Putting” or “placing” our trust in God requires action and screams evidence.
Psalm 146 reveals our soul and where we place our trust. Praising the LORD and trusting Him is where we find hope, faith and freedom that last forever.
Where do you put your trust?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, I put my trust in You. Forgive me for when I trust myself or other human beings over You. Thank You LORD for setting me free; for opening up the eyes of my soul to see You and Your salvation. My soul praises You LORD. In You I have found hope and trust. Please watch over me and reign forever. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
joseph elon lillie says
I was just praying over this very subject yesterday Tom. I am coming to it that in fact I can only trust people in the context of trusting God first to see me through any untrustworthiness I find in the people around me or in myself.
Tom Raines says
God speaks doesn’t He Joseph?!! We can trust that! When we trust God over all things we find He is our trust and other relationships can flow from there… Blessings and trust.
joseph elon lillie says
Debbie says
This is so good, Tom, and so what I need to live out. . .trusting Him alone. God bless you!
Tom Raines says
Thanks Deb, I am praying now that our trust in God grows stronger and stronger day after day as we come to know His love for us! Blessings and trust!
debbestillandlisten says
Tom, I am learning to trust Him more and more in every aspect of my life and their are those close to me that just don’t quite understand the whole trusting, hope, and faith thing I have in my God.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Deb, in 1 John 4 this morning (which I read before coming here…) The world will not understand this love. May we keep looking to God, living with Him and trusting His love . We can also trust that His will will be done in others too so they too may come to know and believe His love. We only need to trust God. Blessings and trust.