Today’s Scripture: He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. John 15:2 NLT
Our “to do” lists sure keep us busy, don’t they? Can we be too busy trying to produce results on our own efforts rather than including God?
It is God who produces even more. Striving to produce what this world calls for can cut us off from God. Do you want to produce the fruit God intends for you to produce?
God prunes us and shapes us so we can produce His fruit. We will produce even more with Him yet often times in our striving we forget the source of our strength don’t we? Jesus tells us we can do nothing without Him; nothing that bears God’s fruit.
In this very same passage we are told to ask whatever we wish and it will be given to us. I am asking God that I produce His fruit.
Do you believe you will produce even more with God?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, You are the vine, the source of who I am. Forgive me for when I seek the nutrients and the fruits of this world over You. LORD I ask that I produce Your fruit today. Prune me; shape me to produce even more for You. Thank You for your generosity. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Hey Tom—It has been a long time friend. For that I am sorry, but 24 hours in a day (these days), haven’t been enough. Somehow I know you know I read and continue to thank the LORD for your work, and the fruit you produce, as well as ask Him to bless you and yours. So many times I have been, well, truly amazed that the Scripture Holy Spirit leads you to read and then reflect upon here on Affirmations of God are EXACTLY the ones which Holy Spirit has led me to! Yesterday, in my brief but powerful prayer/study time with the LORD, I studied FRUIT…that’s what I wrote at the top of my legal pad…FRUIT. I have been asking…well, for such a LONG time now, for the Holy Spirit to help me to produce good and abundant fruit. Holy Spirit led me to MANY verses, but one author cited James 5: 7-11 and that’s where I parked for a while! In my heart, I will always be a farmer, so I can truly relate to this section of the WORD! This stuck with me, and I thought I’d share: Good and abundant fruit requires work, time, patience and perseverance. My pruning at times seems, well, aggressive, but I know it is VITAL for me in order to accomplish those things He is calling me to do…both now and in the future. Sorry I wrote a bit of a tome here, just had a few moments before I teach and wanted to share. Keep spreading the Gospel Tom…I definitely praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession (2 Corinthians 9:13-14!!!!!!) Cindy
O Cindy, you bless me. You have really been on my mind lately and I almost checked in to make sure you were ok. I have prayed for you and your family and I know your life and your home are full. Knowing that you are still out there and being prepared (and pruned) to bear the fruit God has planned for you does bring me joy. Thank you for sharing these verses and I will follow your guidance to receive these words. Glad to know you are still following these affirmations and I pray God’s blessings upon you, your family and your ministry.
Yes…still out here. I would like to say: there are many among my friends and kin that follow you Tom, and it’s funny if we talk on the phone or see each other, there are days one will ask the other, “Did you read Affirmations today?” and then proceed to talk about a post(s) that ministered to us and why. We may not always reply, but this work…this fruit of yours, is good and abundant, and so my hope is that you walk by faith and not by sight on that! LOL! Holy Spirit uses and will continue to use you Tom because you make yourself available to Him! Thank You!
Life is indeed full and as I may have said before we praise Him on the good days and we praise Him on the ones that are more difficult (James 1:2-4). But I SO thank you for your prayers Tom; please, please keep them coming; I NEED every single one! You know I keep you and yours, and all your readers too, in mine too! God bless, Cindy
Humbled by your words Cindy. You and Katy have blessed me and encouraged me for such a long time. The LORD continues to draw me to this path and I do pray to be faithful to write to the party of ONE. However, the confirmation and encouragement received by fellow Jesus followers such as you and Katy give me strength and remind me of this call He alone has given me. I can not thank you enough nor express enough my gratitude and praise to the LORD for bringing us all together here. I pray He uses this place to encourage and spur us on to all kinds of good works for Him and His kingdom. Blessings and prayer.
Hi Tom! Usually when I hear this passage preached, it sounds so harsh that I cringe and cower. But today as I read your post, I felt really encouraged–that God’s pruning actually frees me up from striving and stressing–this is good!! Please keep my neighbor Tyler in your prayers–still missing, almost 2 weeks; and I need prayer too, as my hope for a positive outcome is dwindling. Thanks, Brother–God bless you BIG always–love, sis Caddo
Thanks Sis, I too was encouraged when I read the words in 15:2 ESV that said “he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” I am encouraged that we WILL bear more fruit because of what He is doing in our lives. I am joining you in prayer for Tyler now. Prayers of God’s comfort that His hand is with Tyler and his family. Praying for a positive outcome and for God’s Spirit of love to be with everyone and His might is also revealed to those who may desire to cause harm. BIG call for mercy!
Thank you, Tom–a million thank you’s.
I love praying with you Sis and we are joining now in our cries to God for Tyler and everyone. LORD thank You for being here with Sis and I and we know You are with Tyler, wherever he is. Your embrace is forever and warm with love. Amen
What a wonderful reminder of the cleansing nature of pruning. Having grown up on a pecan orchard, I remember pruning the trees. You remove the old wood that can be hosting disease and thereby infects the whole tree, you don’t want it to get to the ‘heartwood.’ Or you remove ‘suckers’ appropriately named, which are shoots that sprout out irreverently and drain other stronger branches of nourishment. You want to leave the stronger branches, the structural integrity of the tree intact so that it will have life and balance and produce well, year after year. Never prune so severely that the tree can’t recover but remove the damage and disease and anything that doesn’t belong. Yes, pruning will help, especially when God is the gardener! Thanks Tom!
Thank you Kimberly for such wonderful imagery. I could see that pecan tree, even the little suckers! I had a fruit tree in may back yard that I was amazed at the quantity and many directions that suckers could travel along the root system. I never really thought of what they took from the life of the tree, I just knew they were a nuisance and could really grow into a nice size “tree” if not pruned. Great to know God knows the quantity and the many directions that our suckers need to be pruned. Praising our master gardener and thanking you for bringing His word and His vine to life. Blessings in new life and production!