Do you think God is shocked when we fail? Do you think God is amazed when we do well? Do we confuse Him with our clumsiness? Do you really think we ever surprise Him? Do you think God really cares what we do with our bodies as long as we are not hurting anyone else?
Why is it that there are over 1100 chapters in the bible and I continue to be drawn to this particular one? What is God trying to show me? He knows I am slow and need to be reminded constantly. After all, He made me.
I find it interesting that in a verse and affirmation from Psalm 139 where God tells us He knows everything about us and it is He who made us that I have more questions than answers.
I was taken to Psalm 139:14 this morning by John Baker in Celebrate Recovery as he discussed our physical body as we continue our spiritual inventory. As we do our searching and fearless inventory of ourselves do we consider the harm we do to our physical bodies through some of our habits? Do we have a right to do whatever we want? After all, this is a body that God so wonderfully and fearfully made: 139:13: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (NIV)
He MADE us and all His works are wonderful. Do we consider ourselves wonderful? We should. Going back to 139:1 David tells us: …OLORD, You have searched me and known me. (NKJ). Yhwh, the great I AM knows who I am. So is he shocked when we fail? Probably not. Is He amazed when we do well? Probably not.
In verse two we are told He knows what we do physically and He also knows our thoughts. He already knows! He is not surprised! In verses three and four David tells us God even knows where we are going and what we are going to say. He knows!
In 139:6 David acknowledges that this sounds silly and we have no way to comprehend this. He states: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. (NIV)
There is no place we can run or hide from His presence and His knowledge of us. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? Psalm 139:7 (NKJ) NOWHERE. Can I get that?
In verse 23 He even says he knows our hearts and our feelings. So when will we understand that He made us.
Physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually God knows us. He made us who we are; each of us. Do we own ourselves and do what we wish or do we seek what His will is with this body, this life He has so wonderfully and fearfully made.
May we know He knows. May we not be ashamed but may we Praise Him for who He has made in us. May we also use this body and this life to praise Him and honor Him. After all, this isn’t our body and our lives but His. He is not shocked from where we have come but will guard us and protect us if we choose to honor Him.
This is YOUR body God use us as you intended. I get it and I am not ashamed but proud that You O LORD have made me who I am.
What does Psalm 139 say to You? Can you find an affirmation there?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Bill (cycleguy) says
I am who He made me to be. Awesome concept if grasped to realize He makes no mistakes and so for me to say, “I wish I was someone else” or “I wish I looked like…” is sort of like a slap in His face. Good reminder tom.
tomraines says
Amen Bill…we are so susceptible to wanting to be what others think we should be or comparing ourselves to others…guess he had that covet thing in there early on so we could try to prevent…how many times have I slapped God. May we continue to build confidence in the fact that who we are is who we are in God and He uses us just the way we are so we can do the function of the body we are intended to be…thanks Bill for reminding me what I am doing to God when I doubt!