Today’s Scripture: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5 ESV
When I need encouragement and comfort Jesus shows up. When I truly need the Spirit of God He reveals Himself. I realize not everyone is as needy as I am.
In fact in two different conversations this weekend I realized that not everyone feels the need for Christ Jesus and they don’t really want it. They don’t mind it but they don’t need it.
In my great need I have found a great God. Until He is needed this “Jesus talk” seems unnecessary and a little weird.
In Philippians 2:4 Paul instructed us to humbly look to the interests of others over our own. We can look to their needs. When we are more interested in the needs of others we recognize where Jesus is needed.
When we meet others at their needs we can share how we found Christ Jesus in ours. Until then we are clanging cymbals.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I need You. Humble me LORD to look for the needs of all others around me. Help me to recognize these needs and then to share the great hope and love I have received in Christ Jesus. I need You LORD to show Your great love. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Katy says
Thanks Tom! I am so needy! And when I recognize that need and submit to it great things happen in my life. God is so good.
Don’t we all want to feel needed? So does God.
Tom Raines says
Amen Katy!! God wants us to need Him. I am thankful for being so needy because I have found His goodness in my neediness. I have found His light in my darkness, I have found Him and I am so thankful I just can’t stand it:) I am confident that we ALL come to a place of need and I pray we are looking for them so we can share the GREAT things God has done when we too realized our need for Him. LORD bring us into the needs of others so we may share your glory!
A Servant says
You have touched on a great truth. This too is an act of faith and just like salvation confirms the heart afterwards serving others will also confirm God’s command to do so. A person will not know the sweetness of service unless they jump in with no net.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Servant. Amen!
joseph elon lillie says
We all need Christ. Many are just blinded to that fact by the illusion of the world’s provision. Not until the blinders are removed they see that as poor spirit as we ever were. We pray for the earth blindness to be removed.
Tom Raines says
Amen Joseph, praying for the earth blindness to be removed. We know God will exceed their needs and pray the need becomes keenly aware. Blessings and thanks for the prayers for those blinded by this world.
Julie Garmon says
Agreeing with you and your other commenters. I’m needy too! Thank you for this post. So good to acknowledge the Truth.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Julie, it is so amazing to experience how God blesses truth. Crying out to Him in our need is answered and blessed. Yes we are needy and He meets our needs with the unimaginable. Blessings in your needs!
debbestillandlisten says
I am grateful that in my neediness I have become dependent on Him and no longer independent!
Tom Raines says
Absolutely Debby, so thankful for our neediness that opens up the doors of Heaven and brings His grace and His love into the fullness of His provision. We are His and He is ours; no longer independent but dependent! Thank you for this. Blessings in your dependence!
Widow Beach says
I’m with you on this, Tom. “I need Thee, oh I need Thee–every hour I need Thee”. He is the only one who is always there for us. God bless you.
Tom Raines says
The only one Sis. He is more than enough and yes I need thee every hour! Glad you are with me:) When we are together there He is also:) Blessings in your need.
Debbie says
I really loved this, Tom .. thank you!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb, I am so blessed to have so many friends that rely on their need for Christ Jesus. Blessed beyond measure and beyond our needs! Blessings and thank you!