Today’s Scripture: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 ESV
ALL; how can three letters encompass so much? Jesus is telling us the greatest commandment. Love our LORD with ALL of our hearts, ALL of our souls, ALL of our minds and ALL of our strength.
Is that all that is needed? Here in Mark 12 Jesus tells us it is most important to love God and love others. Why do we try to add technicalities to this? Like the Pharisees of years ago, human nature is still trying to add to this with man made rules and traps. Why do we complicate what God has made simple?
Like the widow who gave out her poverty at the end of this chapter may we realize our poverty of love. Let’s give God the little love that we have and see what He does with it. Give Him all we have. Turning away from all the attempts to debate and just love. That’s all.
Do you spend more time trying to understand God’s mysteries or giving Him your all?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise You and love You. I give You all that I am and have. I can love in abundance because of my poverty of love. You are my love and I offer up all of my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength to You. I have little but know You have all. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debbie says
This one really got to me, Tom. Thank you for listening to Him and sharing. I do spend too much time trying to understand things rather than just giving Him my all. Praying with you today. God bless you!
Tom Raines says
Praise the LORD Deb! I pray as we proclaim our LORD that His love and His Word spurs us on to live the life He created us for. Thank you my sister for your confirmation and prayers! Blessings as you love Him with all you have!
Cindy says
OHHHHH I love the LORD! This verse was my Dad’s “go-to” verse…especially these last few years. Love, Love, Love…that’s what it was all about for him. Loving the LORD and then loving His people. “If you can do that Cynthia, well, then, everything else will fall into line!” Thanks Tom. Thanks Holy Spirit. God’s choicest blessings upon you and yours in Yeshua’s name! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Cindy, you bless me so. Thanks again for your gift of musical accompaniment. The wisdom of our earthly fathers are so critical and yes your dad is right, all else will fall into place. Blessings as you live in the love of our Father.
Widow Beach says
I do the best I can to give Him my all. God bless you.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Sis, it is amazing when we give the little we have, even the size of a mustard seed it is HUGE! Blessings as you love with all you have!