Today’s Scripture: The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endures for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, said the LORD. Jeremiah 33:11 AKJV
Do you want joy and gladness? God’s plan is clear to us and we make it very complicated. Our rebellious and selfish nature longs for what makes us “happy”. We try to sacrifice all kinds of things in our lives to find “happiness”.
Some sacrifice their marriages thinking this will make them happy. Some think that if they can sacrifice substances or behaviors this will make them happy. We can sacrifice hours and years for work that we think will provide what we need. We will be happy when….
I love the simplicity of Jeremiah 33. In verse three we are promised that the LORD will answer us when we call Him. Here in verse eleven we are ONLY asked to sacrifice our praise to the LORD. What? I don’t have to sacrifice my addictions, my marriage, my time to find joy and gladness?
How has sacrificing all other things worked out for you? Do you find joy and gladness in sacrificing things on your own power? God knows our needs and will help us. What we need to focus on is sacrificing our praise to Him and He will answer our needs and fulfill our promise.
Can you sacrifice your praise to the LORD today?
Today’s Prayer: Dear LORD, I offer you my sacrifice of praise. LORD I praise You with all my heart. You alone are LORD, You alone are the author and source of my joy. Thank You for loving me and hearing me. I cry out my praises and my questions to You. I believe You will answer my questions in remarkable ways and that You will fulfill Your promise in me. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
writenwod says
God bless you; thanks for sharing.
Tom Raines says
God bless you too! Thank you very much for visiting and commenting. Blessings!
servant of CHRIST says
it’s true, our joy comes from CHRIST Only, from GOD. and it’s Not by our own actions, or merits that we could possible earn anything (by “works”). we can’t! but we are not only expected to believe in CHRIST’s promises in FAITH, but we are also expected to follow after JESUS, in action.
Faith without works is dead, and this moving towards CHRIST includes turning away from our sins. a person cannot lay it all on CHRIST’s shoulders, and then work against HIM by sinning. this is counter-productive. we still are expected to try to Do better, and ask forgiveness for our sins daily, and keep trying to follow after JESUS CHRIST. anything against CHRIST, is against ourselves, and a voluntary, or involuntary cooperation with satan. unfortunately.
We need to cooperate with CHRIST, and use our Free Will, to make that voluntary CHOICE to walk in the JESUS’ path, in action, in everyday life. by striving and struggling, and the more we turn it over to JESUS, the better our lives become. that we might abide in CHRIST’s love, as CHRIST abides in GOD, the Father’s love. we are to obey CHRIST, now, in life, in what we do and say. otherwise we are made hypocrites. yes, its true CHRIST will receive us at any time, but afterwards, we must turn away from our sins, that we may abide in CHRIST’s love and blessings.
(this is the process of conversion, and does take time, but GOD is patient with us, in CHRIST, thank You JESUS! how might we be in GOD’s presence, if we don’t turn away from our sins willingly? He will not force us by any means, but rather ratify your own decisions. so thus, we who Long for the LORD, to be with HIM, show HIM proof of our FAITH in action, in Life. for FAITH with works is the Evidence of FAITH, in JESUS CHRIST. it will be counted for our good. for since we can do nothing without CHRIST, not even bear HIM fruit, it is HIM, JESUS CHRIST in us, that bears the fruits, as us being a willing “witness” of GOD’s glory, of the glory of CHRIST, and CHRIST’s work IN us. and we thank GOD, the Father, through JESUS CHRIST, for HIS magnificent glory, and we thank GOD, the Father, for our ONLY LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, for all of HIS blessings and good, for only GOD is good. and we are not. and we know this, but we also show it, and live it, that we may be an example to others, in following after JESUS CHRIST, Who is our ONLY example on how to live. HE is our TRUE example, and we follow after HIM, JESUS CHRIST.)
i do love your post, but please be careful about what you’re telling people is okay to do, inadvertently. i almost cringed when i read the part where you said people don’t have to give up their addictions. they do! it’s true that JESUS CHRIST is ready and waiting to receive us at any time, but we are expected to then turn away from all our sins, (and not just keep the “pet” sins like T.V., or other “secret” sins, for there are no secrets with the LORD, and all will be brought to light, that we might be reproved. and thus we should LOVE this correction from GOD, for CHRIST chastens the ones He loves. it is a blessings. but better we receive CHRIST in love and gentleness, willingly, and not rebelliously, instead of with the rod.)
after we have found CHRIST in our lives, and accepted HIM as our Lord and Savior. we cannot be hypocrites and say we believe, and then not live it, every day. i’m sure that’s not what you meant at all, but it did come across that way, when i read it.
the Bible tells us that because some are lukewarm in the FAITH, that HE will spit those out of HIS mouth. that is exactly why we MUST turn away from all our sins, and towards CHRIST 100%. CHOOSING CHRIST above all else, forsaking all (that stands between HIM and us) to follow after JESUS, including forsaking all of our sins.
We must have zeal in the FAITH, in CHRIST. GOD does a good work until the day of JESUS CHRIST, but who is HOT in the FAITH? who has the enthusiasm and zeal for the LORD? to not only say they will turn away from their sins, but to also do it! and try, and strive for that, knowing that GOD, being CHRIST will take us the rest of the way because we can do nothing without HIM.
Thank You JESUS for that!
Tom Raines says
Thanks for visiting and commenting and your points are well taken. I think what you state is true yet God created me to encourage and share my joy and hope and I trust Him to convict. If I earn the right with others by showing my love and care I will gladly share what I have seen and heard. Sorry you cringed and missed my point over addiction. As an addict myself I was just trying to relay that we can sacrifice (which is giving up for God) our addictions that we still will not find true joy in that act alone. The joy is found in our relationship with Him. He is our source of joy. We can lose this joy if we focus on what we do and how we act. I believe if we truly seek Him then the Spirit helps us desire what He desires and these “works” will overflow from us. The trying to do and act right usually does not produce righteousness nor joy. But praising and worshiping our God for who He is creates righteousness and fruits. Blessings and please visit again as I appreciate learning how others may perceive what is written.
Caroline Gavin says
Amen! Thank you, Tom, for this beautiful reflection!
Such joy we find when we surrender to Christ,
when we sacrifice our lives – and our praise!
My heart to You, Lord, I gratefully raise;
To You I continually sing joyful praise!
I offer You my life as a humble oblation;
You are my Everything, You are my Salvation.
As I empty myself, full You make me to be;
You fill me with Your Spirit, yes, for eternity.
Joy I know in giving my all to You each day;
Praise You always I will, as I follow Your Way!
Tom Raines says
I am humbled to think of the amazement and majesty of His joy! The more we give the more He overwhelms! Blessings! I will follow!!
Caroline Gavin says
Yes, amazing to give our all to Him…to be completely filled with His Spirit!
Sweet surrender indeed!
Thank you for following faithfully and allow His Spirit to guide your way and your words!
May God bless you beyond measure through Christ’s glorious treasure!
Tom Raines says
He does fill us with His treasures. We can not contain His riches and His love! Truly amazing. Thanks, Caroline!
servant of CHRIST says
i appreciate your spreading joy, and you sharing your personal life experiences, and being honest about that. i do not speak of “works,” as we live by Faith in JESUS, under the unmerited Grace of GOD. no, not the act alone, of turning away from sin, by ourselves, will give us the joy and peace that can be found with and in JESUS alone, and no worldly thing.
in my experience, when i see people say they believe, and then don’t turn their steps towards JESUS, and away from their sins, that doesn’t work either. i do agree that it’s the relationship with JESUS, that makes our lives better, but also we must act on it, as the evidence of our Faith, b/c Faith without works is dead. we have to make the effort, and cooperate with JESUS, in HIS ways.
it’s true JESUS carries us, through everything, but we have to be willing, by making that free will Choice to follow after HIM, so that we may also receive the Blessings that HE wants us to receive in this life and the next (with HIM). we don’t want to hinder GOD’s blessings, that He wants us to receive in JESUS, in us.
i definitely don’t think “acts” produces righteousness. this is not possible. the Bible is very clear on that. i speak of the evidence of our faith. we are expected to walk the walk, after JESUS, and not be passive about our faith. too many people do nothing, and do not act, and we are expected to act in this world, according the the Faith that we have in JESUS CHRIST, and HE will lead us, knowing that HIS Holy Spirit is within us, always speaking Truth to us, that is our guide in life. for GOD’s law, given by JESUS, is written in our hearts and minds, and by that we can know what is right, because GOD already put it in us.
i appreciate your positive messages, and scriptural references, and GOD bless in JESUS, for that, but please know that no one convicting here, it’s a peaceful dialogue. i liked the message of joy, i was just taking it a step further, to say that to turn to JESUS for joy, is definitely right, and nothing else can produce that joy. we rely on CHRIST for that, but we Do have to turn away from our sins, and take “steps” towards JESUS, of our own free will, and then GOD’s blessings, promised through JESUS will also come to us.
we don’t have to wait until we die for that. a common misconception, that we have to be miserable now, and we’ll be happy later. it doesn’t have to be that way. CHRIST wants to give us HIS joy and blessings now too, but we have to be realistic to know the destruction to our lives that sin brings, and that it’s necessary to turn away from our sins, so we can receive those blessings. that’s all i meant. we need the full information to know that we are CHRIST’s servants, and as Christ’s servants, we have to act upon that Faith in HIM, like the apostles did, that CHRIST can use us as HIS instruments to bear fruit, for the purpose of soul saving, and conversion.
this is part of building a relationship with CHRIST. it has been my experience, and i’ve changed so much, while in this process of conversion. it takes a lot of time, but we know JESUS, being GOD, is patient with us, and will help us every step of the way. the apostle paul said we each have our gifts and blessings from GOD, in JESUS, and if yours is spreading the Joy, that’s wonderful. it is much appreciated. we do need that reminder of joy. we are all parts of One body in CHRIST, each has their gifts and calling. and all are needed. CHRIST has a role and a purpose for each one of us, and sometimes that’s different.
so thank you brother, for spreading the Joy that JESUS bestowed on you.
be blessed, and GOD, in JESUS CHRIST, be Praised! alleluia, alleluia! 🙂
Tom Raines says
Thank you servant of Christ. We are all a part of the body and God will use us. I am thankful for your willingness to serve and for joining us here. I agree with all you have stated and I would love to hear how you have changed. I think hearing how others share their testimony of change, and struggles is more palatable for me (maybe it is my sinful nature) than to take instruction as to what I should be doing. Like John, I just want to share what I have seen and heard so others can have fellowship in Christ with me. Hopefully that will speak louder than my instructions. Just a different approach…not right, not wrong as we are ALL needed to share God’s love and commands. Lead me by your experience instead of instruction…hope that makes sense. Thankful for your dialogue and your heart and passion for our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise Him with great alleluias…Blessings.
servant of CHRIST says
i hear you my friend, (in CHRIST). it does help the understanding to see and hear that a person struggled just like you did, in their experiences. that’s where true changes occur. it’s a slower learning process, but more effective, lasting, will survive the trial by fire, and is more likely to bear fruit in JESUS that will last. it’s true what you say, and i do understand it.
as far as instructions, we know that the Bible are the instructions that GOD gave us, in JESUS, to help us in our steps. sometimes we don’t understand those steps, or how it will help us, or what affect it will have, until we do them. and it’s easier to understand when we see someone else go through it first. i do love to hear other’s CHRISTian testimony as well. whether a person recognizes it’s CHRIST or not, CHRIST is still working in them, in HIS people, gathering them unto Himself, sometimes through us, HIS servants.
i too would love to hear your testimony of how you came to know JESUS CHRIST. it was not my intention to give “instructions” b/c the Bible, and JESUS does that already. GOD, in JESUS, in the Holy Spirit, in us, is already speaking that Truth to us. We just need to listen to it, speak it, and live it. that’s our testimony, our love, and our connection to GOD, being God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit.
my testimony is the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, Who saves us. CHRIST being our Only means of Salvation, and no other, and definitely not by our own hands. to share with you some experiences on how JESUS changed my life: i was addicted to tv (i know about addiction, just the socially acceptable kind. still not healthy or good for us), movies, music, shopping, and relationships.
until one day, i realized i was miserable, and i prayed, and begged for GOD to get me out of it, particularly, my abusive, immoral (living in sin co-habitation) relationship, who was cheating on me anyway, lying to me constantly, and draining the life out of me, and my wallet.
i was so desperate, i had actually asked GOD to send someone to him, that he would cheat on me, so i would finally leave the relationship. i was emotionally trapped, by his pain, intertwined with my own. it was seriously an unhealthy relationship. and that’s exactly what happened. i thought i was strong, i thought i had enough, i thought i could handle it. no, i couldn’t. i think that was the point. that was my breaking point. i was devastated. but, it did the trick.
the relationship ended, i started going back to church (of which my ex help my back from – GOD), i now turned back to GOD, back to JESUS, and GOD encouraged me to honor HIS Son, JESUS CHRIST, and to start building a relationship with HIM. and so i did. now i can tell you that i feel freer than i ever did in my whole life. i feel so much healthier, all around. mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
i got rid of my tv, all my music cds, got rid of over half my stuff, began giving generously to charity, and do so every month, to help the poor. i tithe regularly, and do not withhold for myself, what is HIS due of my earnings. and i feel clearer than i ever have.
i’m not perfect. i still have a long way’s to go, but it’s a journey, and i feel So much better knowing that JESUS is on that journey with me, and that i’m not alone. and it helps to hear testimony’s like yours, in knowing that we’re in this struggle together. side by side. we love each other, we support each other, in CHRIST. not because we loved HIM, but because HE (JC) loved us first. and that is my testimony, of how GOD jump started this soul into conversion, in CHRIST, my JESUS. Amen.
thank you brother, for asking, and may GOD bless you richly, in CHRIST JESUS. 🙂
Tom Raines says
Thank you “servant of CHRIST” for sharing your story as I love to hear stories of victory. I believe your story and testimony that “i feel freer than i ever did in my whole life. i feel so much healthier, all around. mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.” is the testimony Jesus has given you to share with the world. It is obvious that any relationship with things or others that we put before our LORD only robs us of His glory and a better life than we can imagine. You have shown great courage and I respect you; I am encouraged by and find strength in your testimony and in Your Savior JESUS CHRIST who receives all glory. Blessings to you and keep sharing the good news!
servant of CHRIST says
Correction: typo “(of which my ex HELD ME BACK from – GOD)