Do you ever wonder what you should do next? OK God where is that megaphone giving out those directions? Where do I go from here?
This daily affirmation comes from Psalm 143:10: Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. (NIV)
David shows us what to ask here. We are to proclaim that God is our God and we are His. We are to ask Him to teach us His will. The good, the wonderful Holy Spirit will lead us. So will he guide us with the megaphone or with this Spirit David refers to?
What do you think that feels, sounds, tastes, smells….like? Have you felt the guiding of this good Spirit? Can you share your story of what this was like for you?
As usual, God’s Word gives us so much direction if we choose to hold onto the promises. Psalms 143 is no different. Full of wisdom and yes step by step directions on where we should walk.
Step 1: PRAY. “HEAR my prayer, O LORD” Do we overlook this in verse one David is crying out to God and he says HEAR my prayer. For God to hear it, we must speak it. Turn to God as David did here. David knew problems just read 143:4: Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me; My heart within me is distressed.
Step 2: READ God’s Word. 143:5 states I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands. What is our best way to remember God’s works and what He has done? The Holy Scriptures recounts what God has done in the past. We can meditate and think about these things and LEARN. He can and does lead us as we think about the work He has done in the past.
Step 3: PRAISE Him: 143:6 expresses “I spread out my hands to You; My soul longs for You like a thirsty land. Selah” Do you feel the passion and the deep yearning from His soul? Are you thirsty enough? The Selah or pause is to take time to reflect on this praise. I raise my hands to you Father God…I am dying of thirst here and I only need You to quench this thirst!
Step 4: Begin your day with Morning “quiet time” with God. Psalm 143:8. Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You. Do you have time? Can you make time? Are we too busy for God that we can’t rise early and lift our soul up to Him? It is here you see where He “causes us to know the way we should walk”.
Step 5: Trust in Him. Verse 9: Deliver me, O LORD, from my enemies; In You I take shelter. Don’t you just love the fact we can take shelter under the Almighty God? I find such comfort and peace there. In Verse 11: Revive me, O LORD, for Your name’s sake! For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble. He will revive us from whatever trouble we have seen.
Will He teach us the way to go? Yes. Has he already here in His word but we choose to seek our own way? Is it that He is not speaking or is it we are not listening? Do you think there is a short cut or another way besides David’s instructions here? Which part will you choose to delete? Let me know how that works out for you. Do you have any thoughts to share on this topic?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I LOVE this! It’s just as you (and David) say…
pray, read, praise, trust, spend time with Him(put Him first), trust…I wrote that out to help me remember!
I sometimes want God to come down and write my answer in the sky but it’s in the day in day out abiding that I’ll find the answers I need…I’m going to reread this every morning.
Good word Tom.
Thank you Robin. I praise Him for showing this to me. He is so faithful and I love your statement : “it’s in the day in day out abiding where I’ll find the answers I need.” That my friend I will print out myself. Thank you for your confirmation!