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1 Peter 5:7 is the source for this affirmation today. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (NIV)
Don’t worry be happy. Those of my generation remember the song by Bobby McFerrin back in the late 80’s. Upbeat and light and believe it or not contributed to some Indian Mystic who used the slogan that Bobby McFerrin saw. It does not appear here in 1 Peter that the mystic had come up with some new concept. OK, God may not be offering “happiness” but He is promising to take care of us.
Boy, do we ever need to develop our skills of casting and giving up our cares and worries. I have set all kinds of world speed records as to how quickly I can give and take back a care. Have you ever timed yourself? Ok God, here are all my anxieties and cares-BAM- never mind I’ve got this one. IN A FLASH. Here God, O no I’ve got it.
What is it going to be? Do we believe He cares? Do we believe He loves us and wants the best for us? Why don’t we act as if we believe it? Be careful we are told here in 1 Peter that not only are we fighting ourselves here but we must remain sober and vigilant because the evil one is just looking for a way to trip us up.
Do you believe that the evil one can make us have anxieties and worries?
In reality we will have anxieties and worries. This scripture is NOT saying don’t have anxieties just cast them on God because He cares for us. What is really cool in 1 Peter 5:10 God takes this even further. Not only will He care for us but he will use these things to make us stronger and settled. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. (NKJ).
“After we have suffered a while”. We should not expect not to worry, not to suffer but just give them to Him because God will perfect us and strengthen us through these things. We will be better and stronger because of these things. God will forgive us and help us grow. He promises to restore us.
OK God, Here you go. I am giving you these anxieties and worries to see how you will use these to perfect me. I am anxious to see what you do with this…oops there I go again. Oh well, still waiting for the perfect part. Have a day where you give your anxieties to God.
Do you have any thoughts or examples of how God has worked in your life through your anxieties?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I am pastoring my current church because I chose to give up moving to His timing. I realized that no amount of worry was going to move Him any faster and that He had a much better idea for me anyway. Good thot Tom.
I am in one of the lowest times of my life. I feel like my whole body is pushing to my throat to get out and yet it, throat, is doing all it can to hold myself in. I have walked around since before noon singing, crying, and praising the Lord, trying to cast my cares on him. I have not been writing or reading lately so I just found your blog. Actually God show up right on time, doesn’t he. Many things in my life, family, and church has taken front seat. Things get complicated at times and I desperately needed your verses today for the only friend who can begin to understand me is God himself through Jesus. When you get this, please pray for me and my family.
Patsy, I am so praying for you. I really have been thinking about you and your mission there in Nashville. I think of you often. I am sure an inner city ministry such as what you guys have committed yourselves is a heavy load. I am sure that Satan attacks those who he is afraid of. Dear Lord, Father God, please be with Patsy, her family and this ministry you have called them. Grant them strength and endurance. Father Your Holy Spirit and Jesus understand their needs and I cry out to you to provide the daily bread , meet all of their needs and to help them keep their eyes on the prize. Fill them, Feed them and protect. Please send Your angels to support and protect them.
Patsy, thank you for checking in. Please let me know ANY time you need prayer. I will continue to pray for you and your family!