Today’s Scripture: The fear of the LORD leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm. Proverbs 19:23 ESV
Living life to the fullest is found in the LORD. We were promised glorious rest in Jesus Christ from Isaiah. Moses shared God’s promise of rest and protection in Leviticus 26 and Solomon in Proverbs 19 is giving the same instruction as well.
Jesus came to fulfill the law and with Him He carries the promises of God. God’s Word is clear that the beginning of life and rest lies in the Fear of the LORD. This fear is total reverence for who God is.
God is our LORD and we are His. If we walk with Him, He will walk with us. But, and this is a big but, if we walk contrary to Him we will not find the life of promise nor rest. We must choose if we fear God or fear the life the world promises.
Who are we walking with today? Who and what do you fear?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, I praise You for who You are. You are God and I am Yours. I only fear You dear LORD. Thank You for Your promise of life, rest and protection. Forgive me for fearing the things of this world that rob my life and rest. I am running to You so I can walk with You. In You I find life. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
byhisgrace211 says
Today I am walking with Christ, but only a few months ago, my biggest fear was waking up in the morning (or afternoon which is more true actually). My soul had no rest when I wasn’t right with God. So long as my heart is right with Him, I find His rest. I praise Him for all He’s done for me and will do. Great post!~~~Michele
Tom Raines says
Thanks Michele, I too praise Him for what He has done! I am thankful for you and pray you live in His rest my friend!
Debbie says
I loved this, Tom – “I’m running to You so I can walk with You.” 🙂 I read once about fear and this author shared about how what we fear controls us. So, that was his point, that to fear God was to allow Him to control us. God bless you as you fear and love Him today!
Tom Raines says
Thanks Deb, great point. Fear of God allows Him to be in control!! Blessings!