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Today’s Scripture: And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living beings. And they fell face down before the throne and worshiped God. Revelation 7:11 NLT Tyndale
As I harvest these affirmations from Revelation I realize that although I can not comprehend the apocalyptic writings of this book, I need to take no different position with this than with what I face today.
Really, did not my life change when I began to fall down face first before God? No different than the angels here in Revelation, no matter what we face we will face it best with our faces bowed down before the Almighty God.
The angels said, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and forever. Amen!”
Yes, I fall down on my face and echo their cries. Living here on my face I can face all things and be prepared for His Harvest. Do you ever fall face down before the throne of God?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth. I fall down before You just as Your angels. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to You. I belong to You and trust in Jesus that You will provide me with the patient endurance and the faith to be prepared for Your harvest. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thank you for confirming. Blessings!
I suspect I’ll be coming into this phase of maturity next–not that I don’t worship Him now, and humble myself, but I sense a move/change coming, wherein I’ll understand this more fully. So that’s a good thing! God bless you Tom–love, sis Caddo
Sis, I find it interesting the more and more we mature the more and more we need to come to Him as a child. Love
That IS interesting, Tom–and explains my “personality” so often when I’m talking with Him. It seems that in my growing maturity, I’ve shed a lot of the “appearances” and am more comfortable being “real”.
Me too sis, especially now. For years I put on an act to others as if I knew Him. I knew about Him but in my deepest and darkest days I am thankful that life brought me to my knees. It is there I have come to know Him. Yep, I am more comfortable being real with Him and everyone. BIG Blessings!
This is so powerful!.
To recognize our weakness in a world of so much pride and selfishness see our total dependence on the grace of a faithful God.
There is nothing more humbling and more transforming than our recognition of how weak we truly are.
Amen Judy, this is my experience too! NOTHING more humbling, NOTHING more freeing, NOTHING more powerful. To sacrifice our efforts and knowledge by falling before Him only to find His abundance of power. When we come to know that when we are “weak” then He is strong we have fallen in love and in step with the LORD of lords and the King of kings who loves us…the source of ALL power loves us…WOW, thanks for confirming the power we come to know in our weakness. Blessings and weakness!
I loved this! I am not sure why… I always tend to picture my self face down when in the presence of God! Thank you for this!
Well thank you Diane, I loved that you found this little place and that God spoke. I too love falling before Him in complete submission and utter praise. The mystery of His power is that it is against our nature, isn’t it?! In complete submission and weakness we find the greatest of strengths in our LORD. I love the freedom of falling before him…it is there I have come to know Him and and His power. Blessings as you fall before Him!