Today’s Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:5 ESV And David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the LORD, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals.
We have many blessings to celebrate before the LORD.
What do you have that causes you to dance in the streets? Even in the face of discouragement I will choose to celebrate. As David said to Michal, I will say to my discouragers; the LORD has chosen me and I will celebrate before the LORD. Yes, God chose us and we should celebrate before Him.
In the following few verses we see affirmations we can celebrate:
7:9- The LORD is with me wherever I go.
7:11- The LORD will make me a dwelling place.
7:15- The LORD’S steadfast love will always be with me.
7:20- The LORD knows me.
8:6- The LORD gives me victory wherever I go.
These are just a few; what do you have to celebrate before the LORD today?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God thank You for being my God. I celebrate You and sing Your praises. I celebrate that You are with me and trust You for my dwelling place. I am thankful that your steadfast love will always be with me and that you know me. Thank You for Your victory wherever I go. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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