Today’s Scripture: So the captain came and said to him, “What do you mean, you sleeper? Arise, call out to your god! Perhaps the god will give a thought to us that we may not perish.” Jonah 1:6 ESV
Do you need a wake up call? How could Jonah be asleep during such a storm as this? How can we?
My good friend Julian sent me an obscure text early Sunday morning with three scripture references, in each instance these scriptures assured me that if I call out to the LORD He will answer me.
Later, my wife challenged me to act on what God has called me to. Am I like Jonah? Am I staying in my comfort zone? Will I go and do what God has called me to do or will I sleep?
What has God called you to? Arise and call out to the LORD and He will answer you! Run to His presence and His calling for you.
Through Jonah, the men of the ship went from calling out to their gods to calling out to the LORD. The LORD our God will do the same with us. Arise!
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, thank You for calling me. Forgive me for my lack of trust. Thank You for bringing me this far and thank You for those you send to challenge my procrastination and who awaken me to call out to You. LORD I am going where You have called me. I am calling out to You for help. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Often times we are no different than Jonah we sleep during those moments of storms and the Lord calls us to wake up. Great prayer for today may we all wake up in the spirit.
Thanks Desiray! Sometimes we need someone to wake us up and see things we are missing or hiding from:) I join you in pray that we all wake up in the Spirit and run to the presence of God and do what He has called each of us to do. Blessings and thanksgivings!
Thanks Desiray! Abundant blessings as you arise and call out to Him!
Oh, this gets me excited today, brother–thanks! God bless you and the fam–love, sis Caddo
Thanks sis! Arise and live to the FULL! BIG Blessings!
Thank you for doing your part to wake us up too, Tom. I can be so excited and awake for a time .. .then slip away from what He has called me to. God bless you and your calling!
Thanks Deb! You are such an encourager! May you be spurred by the energy you receive in spurring others! Abundant blessings upon your calling!
You are really challenging me this week Tom. Where am I refusing to step out of my comfort zone in order to follow Jesus? I must pray.
Praying with you Joseph! May we call out to Him and trust His leading and go! Blessings!
Hey Tom–You know, I hope, you are always in my prayers (I always pray for those who give out God’s Word boldly and accurately!!). Maybe what you don’t know is that I have been praying these many months now for a messenger to YOU…for someone who would speak to YOU boldly and accurately, in love…that you step out in faith to what YOU KNOW God is calling you to (in addition to the already good work you are doing)! I praise God for answering that prayer with Julian and your wife. May I give you a verse, from God’s Word, which spoke to me yesterday when I read Affirmations of God? Hebrews 10:35-38 Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised. For still a little while (a very little while), and the Coming One will come and He will not delay. But the just shall live by faith [My righteous servant shall live by his conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, and holy fervor born of faith and conjoined with it]…I look forward to reading what God continues to do in your life, as you walk in faith. God Bless you and yours, Cindy
Cindy, so great to hear from you!! I so appreciate your prayers and am blessed to see the fruit of these prayers. I will appreciate your prayers for boldness and courage to act, to go and be who God calls. You have been on my mind a lot and I am praying for your ministry and life as well. Just in past few days I have been wondering how you were doing since I hadn’t heard from you in a while. You have blessed me more than you know. You are a witness to others that prayers for others impacts their lives. I am humbled by your prayers and grateful. I am praying we both perform and fully accomplish the will of God! Do you have specifics for you, your family or your ministry you would like for me to join you with prayer on? You can always email me offline if you prefer. You are a blessing to me and I am glad to know, even though I don’t hear from you that you are with me in prayer and presence. God continue to bless Cindy and reward her heart with the fruits of Your Spirit. In Your Holy and Majestic Name. Amen
Hey Tom…Back in November I included a link to a website about “faith” . Although there is no “Word” in it, it does a good job of showing that we cannot go the way WE think is best (which often looks scary or doesn’t make sense etc.), but rather trust in what the LORD is showing us in His Logos and Rhema Word, and yes, through those we love and trust when they line up with what’s in our spirit. I’m putting it here again for all of us as we continue to step out into circumstances that require just that: faith and trust in our Heavenly Father.
I continue to fight the good fight of faith…in the midst of watching two people I love so very much being progressively attacked with alzheimer’s/dementia. Ohhhhhhh, some days I don’t think I can bear it; yesterday was one such day. BUT GOD (did ya ever notice how often the Bible says that…”But God”?:) is faithful, and as your post from today (3/7/13) reminds us, our hope is in Him…and we can surely find Him in His Word. I continue to keep my spirit open to the ways He uses me to preach the love of Jesus…especially in the right here and the right now. I thank you for all your prayers; I need them Tom. God bless you and yours abundantly, Cindy
Cindy, thank you for sharing the clip and your faith here again. What a great visual to trust in what we can not see and not trusting in what we know. LORD, God be with Cindy in this season where the frailty of flesh is lived out. LORD help us to keep looking to you in faith and trust and belief that our spirits are eternal. Provide Cindy the strength and support of Your love, comfort and peace in the promises of your eternal love. I know you are with her as she travels through these difficult times. Continue to bless her with the thanksgivings of past blessings and the wonderful hope in Your eternity. Please send Your workers to support Cindy and her family at this time to help her carry this load. You know Cindy’s heart for You LORD and I trust in your provision and Your mercy. Amen.
Cindy, I am always here to pray for you and with you and I will continue to lift you up to our Father.
In His Love,
Thank you for your prayers Tom. Here’s a perfect video clip my cousin Katy sent me the other day)! Maybe you’ve seen it? Even so, I’ve watched it, all the way to the end, many times already and passed along to many! God’s choicest blessings to you and yours. Cindy
Thank you Cindy! Funny, this video was shown at my national sales meeting a couple of weeks ago but I hadn’t seen the whole clip to the end. This is so precious and I just sent it to facebook. Please tell Katy I said hello as I haven’t heard from her in a while but you both encourage me immensely. Don’t you find it interesting that you sent this to me just as I had finished a new post from Philippians that we have enough…now let’s go do it so others can dance too! God’s blessings to you as you continue to dance as God is with you even in the times you don’t feel like dancing that He continues using you to encourage others. Keep dancing:)