Today’s Scripture: and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. Matthew 11:14 ESV
Jesus acknowledges that most hearts are hardened to fleshly understanding and beliefs; too lost in defending beliefs to accept the Spirit of God. The Kingdom of God is beyond our understanding yet not beyond us if we are willing to accept it.
Interesting that in this day of violence that two verses earlier Jesus acknowledges that the Kingdom of Heaven always suffers violence. We can see today just as in the days of old that much violence is conducted because of man’s fight for their beliefs instead of accepting the Kingdom of Heaven.
Only if we are willing to hear and accept the Spirit of God and ask Jesus to reveal the Father to us can we move beyond our violence. Being willing to accept with a gentle and humble heart that there is a Kingdom beyond the flesh will we find the rest for our souls Jesus promises in Matthew 11:29.
Are you willing to accept it?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father I accept Your Kingdom. I humbly accept Your Kingdom over my beliefs. I trust You and Your Spirit LORD Who is beyond my ability to understand yet still made available to me. I ask You Jesus to reveal the Father and His kingdom to me and for me to accept and trust in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debbie says
This really touched me, Tom. Thank you and I am praying that prayer with you. God bless!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! Grateful God uses each of us to touch each other…just reading this after the affirmation of today and know I have received God through you my friend!