In Exodus 3:14 we have all heard this humanity changing line as God responded to the not so confident Moses’ question. Moses, like us, was already looking ahead and putting words into other peoples mouths as to what they will ask and he was trying to be prepared to answer their question.
IF “they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” 3:14: And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’
I feel like I am treading on holy ground here and it is NOT my intention to lesson the power of God in this. I am NOT trying to steal His line and I am well aware neither I nor any of us are pretending to be God. I will revisit this passage hundreds of times in the future and look forward to what God is teaching us here.
However, as I was lead to this scripture this morning I am wondering out loud if God asks anything differently from us. If asked, can we too boldly say I AM WHO I AM. This theme has been in my head and heart for months and I am not quite sure what to do with it. If God gives you a read on what this means to you, please reply and share your wisdom.
The purpose of these daily affirmations I believe is to take personal ownership and to write the character of who God wants us to be on our hearts. Take His Holy Word and the character traits He tells us to be in there and combine it with our life story and here you have the I AM. Not in a God sense but who you and I are.
God had already told Moses in verse six; “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”…(NKJ) Who are we?
Do we react timidly as Moses did in 3:11: But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” The order of words and the inflection are huge. “Who am I” versus “I am who I am.” I AM! Versus AM I?
Where did Moses lack of confidence come from? God? Obviously not God had chosen this ONE man over all others. God KNEW Moses was the man for the job. Why was Moses, why are we less than confident? Does Satan do this to us? Do we do this to ourselves? Are we, like Moses afraid of others and what they may ask or say?
Moses was a murderer who had been put out to pasture for forty years. Don’t you think that was by God’s design? All of Moses’ life experiences made him the man for the job. Should we be any different? Have any of our lives been perfect? NO NOT ONE. Let’s not allow Satan to hold us captive by our shame or our fears. God has called you and me. We are the men and women for the job.
Next time you have the thought or are asked why you. Just proudly state: I AM WHO I AM and God has sent me. He has you know. Take every wart you have, every blemish on your record and you wear them with the knowledge that God loves you, all of you and He wants to use your story to help others.
Sorry God for stealing Your line. I pray you know my heart and I praise you as the GREAT I AM. You are the God of my father, the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob. You are. Please show each of us who we are and may we be confident and on a mission to share that I AM WHO I AM.
What are you thoughts about Exodus 3:14?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life.
Once more, words I need, Tom. Thank you. You keep pegging my weaknesses. 🙂
Thanks Julie…We must have the same weaknesses! Ha…I pray for that boldness and that comfort to be who we are. Just know power and the uniqueness of our story. We are who we are and God can use us!! Thanks for checking in!
Timid? You bet. I recoil from God’s leading all the time. I have never thought I am who I am. I’ve thought more along the line…’I am crummy, if you’d just made me a little better I might be able to actually do something good for you…’
A cop-out on my part. But one I’ve used over and over again.
The thought I am who I am…wow. This implies that God made me w/ all my faults and isn’t worried at all about using messed up me. I’m thinking He’d love to show HIS strength in my weakness…hummmm, this is a new and amazing concept to me Tom. I think you’re on to something…you may have just blown my go-to excuse right out of the water.
I’m going to need to think on this some more…
Thanks friend. I too am going to have to keep praying and thinking on this. I do not know why but this whole I AM thing as been my theme song. As I mentioned before that No More, No less song from Mercy me hit me on this several months ago. “LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF TO YOU, THIS IS WHO I AM. NO MORE, NO LESS”. Robin you are a treasure and God is using you and I thank you for your encouragement and courage. Yes, my friend. When we are weak He is strong. HIS strength is being proven in our weakness and I continue to seek what He is saying here. If more people in the world felt free to be who they are IN CHRIST and sharing what God saved them from then we can help a lot of hurting souls….
Thanks for praying about this and if you get any insights please keep me posted!